Drama. Just Plain Ol' Drama.

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Sea Guy POV

"Plan A," Poseidon whispered on a Wednesday morning.

Athena looked sour ( gOoD 4 U-  ). "This is still an idiotic idea. It could quite possibly harm my poor daughter—"

"The spiders are fake, Athena," Poseidon said calmly. To prove his point, he took out a spider from his jar and tossed it at Athena.

Athena shrieked and ducked. "I suppose I should've made peace with Arachne's descendants," she said grimly. "It's not their fault that their ancestress was unwise. Oh, well, let's get started."

Poseidon took out a marker from his backpack and scribbled, "From Percy" on it.

"Hold on," Athena said suddenly. "We forgot a minor detail...er, how to open my daughter's locker."

"Oh, right," Poseidon realized. Then he brightened. "Herm — I mean, Jeremy! Over here!"

Hermes walked over to them. 

"Hi," he said suspiciously. "Since when do you two hang out?"

Athena waved away his question. "Never mind that. How are your skills at lock-picking?"

Hermes looked terrified. "How are my skills at lock-picking? What kind of question is that? I am Lord Hermes, the god of thieves, and you ask how my skills—"

"Shut up," Poseidon hissed. "Can you just unlock a locker for us?"

Hermes looked at him skeptically and nodded. "Fine."

They led him to Annabeth's locker, and he took out a hairpin with crystal studs on it from his pocket and expertly wrenched the lock open without damaging it.

"Why do you keep a crystal hairpin?" Athena asked, sounding a bit amused.

Hermes sighed and slipped the hairpin back in his pocket. "Two golden drachmas please."

"What!" Poseidon exclaimed. "You never said anything about a price. And besides, you're a god! Why do you even need—"

Athena rolled her eyes and produced two Greek coins from her purse. "Satisfied?" Hermes gave them his crooked grin and sauntered off.

"Hurry up," Athena whispered. "They could come here any second."

Sure enough, they spotted the two of them coming. Poseidon squeaked, pushed the jar inside, slammed the locker shut, and dragged Athena with him.

Annabeth was laughing at something Percy said. Then she twirled her combination.

The jar of spiders lay exposed.

Annabeth just stood in shocked silence. Then she screeched, "SPIDERS!"

Percy ducked like a sword was thrown at him. "What?" he took the jar and studied it. It looked like a bunch of meaningless smudges to him, but he thought it was just his dyslexia acting up. "Ro - Rory, I think. That's funny. Do you know anyone named Rory?"

"What?" Annabeth asked, still looking red-faced and pulling at her hair like she wanted to rip it out.

"What?" Athena and Poseidon said together, looking as puzzled as Percy.

"It says, 'From Rory,'" Percy said, looking mystified. "I don't think I know anybody named Rory."

Athena narrowed her eyes in realization and faced Poseidon. "May I see the marker that you used?" she asked the sea god.

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