Ideas, Ideas

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Ares POV

Ares was fiddling with his stupid math homework when he saw Aphrodite laughing with some guy.

His temper flared to the max immediately, and he took a deep breath. Even though he's the god of war and he can never resist an argument, he knew it was pointless when it came to Aphrodite. To begin with, Aphrodite never seems to feel threatened; she's always Ms. Coolness. And, of course, that will get him some bad points with her if he doesn't control his temper. Maybe he could pulverize the guy, though...

Ares sighed and slammed his locker. Hard. Aphrodite still didn't look at his direction.

He started feeling dejected, which made him all mad again. Grr...

Just then, he spotted a poster that said there will be a school dance on Friday. His eyes gleamed suddenly, and he began running to Aphrodite's direction.

He knew just what he had to do.


Artemis was in the gym bathroom. She tied her long hair into a ponytail and rushed to the gym, not knowing what to expect. Maybe she could still recruit nicer girls, but she wasn't really sure this time. She might end up getting someone bratty again.

Artemis passed a stall and paused. She was certain that she heard a sniffle.

She inched closer to the stall. Yep, there was definitely someone crying.

Suddenly, the door flicked open, making Artemis, who was leaning on the door for support, almost fall into the stall.

Artemis was shocked to see the gossipy girl from yesterday.

"Oh, it's you," the girl tried to say snidely, but her eyes were way too teary.

"What's wrong?" Artemis asked, feeling concerned, like she always feels when young maidens are upset.

The girl glared at her. "Nothing, okay?" she snapped. "Mind your own business next time." She ran out of the bathroom, still wiping her eyes.


Athena and Poseidon sat in the back of the room together. They had the same study hall period, and the teacher wasn't there. They were making plans to break up their kids.

"I have an idea," Poseidon whispered. "Let's tell the kids about the bad stuff that the other one is doing."

Athena rolled her eyes. "Idiot," she whispered back. "Why would they listen to us? They don't even know who we are."

"How about a..."

"No!" Athena snapped.

"Or maybe..."


"Well, how would it work if..."


She said the last part a bit too loudly, but she didn't care. The teacher wasn't in the room anyway.

Poseidon huffed. "Why do you veto everything I say?"

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