The Second Day

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Gods POV

The Olympians walked out of the subway, messily dressed and grouchy. Very grouchy.

Artemis glowered at her brother. "I know you put the shaving cream in my slippers last night."

Apollo grinned. "Oh, so that was yours! I can't believe you wear bunny slippers."

"Hey," Zeus said. Out of all the gods, he was the only one who looked happy. Well, except for bubbly Aphrodite, who's always happy, mostly because she believes that being sad causes wrinkles. "Cheer up, guys."

"'Cheer up, guys'?" Hera repeated in disbelief. "Are you seriously turning into a teenager?" Hera was grumpy because Aphrodite kept on waking up every two hours, reapplying some face mask and washing it off. Aphrodite made a lot of noise, making it impossible to sleep.

Zeus ignored her and checked his watch. "I'll be late. See you all later." He raced off.

Hestia shook her head. She was getting tired of the whole ordeal, but she refused to say so. "Oh, that brother of mine," she said with a huge sigh.

Hephaestus, Ares, and pretty much everyone else nodded in agreement. The king of the gods was crazy.


"Athena!" Poseidon gasped as he caught up to Athena, grabbing her shoulder.

"What?" Athena said crossly, pulling her arm away. "I'm going to be late for class."

"Oh, trust me, you're going to want to hear this," he insisted. Athena sighed and looked at him. "What is it, Poseidon?"

"Your daughter Annabeth is in this school!"

"What?" she shrieked. "With your unwise son?"

"Hey!" Poseidon warned. "Do not say anything bad about my son."

It seemed like Athena didn't hear him. For a moment, she looked like she was about to have a heart attack, but then she suddenly smiled.

"What?" Poseidon asked curiously.

"You don't want my daughter spending time with your son, right?" Athena said.

Poseidon frowned. "Go on."

"How about we break them up?" ( a/n, okay, so before you kill me, i'd like everybody to know that nothing bad is going to happen. this will just spice things up a bit because the fLaaAAaVaHHhH is needed 🤌🤌 )

Poseidon paused, considering. He didn't really have anything against Annabeth, but then it was Athena that he had issues with. And if Percy accidentally hurt Athena's daughter, he knew that there was going to be trouble. And he didn't want his son to be involved; he already got in enough trouble as it is.

"And I'll have to work with you?" Poseidon asked uncertainly.

Athena took a deep breath, but then she held out her hand. "Temporary truce, old rival?"

Poseidon nodded and shook her hand. "Fine."


Hades saw his son and decided to attempt some more fatherly-ness.

"Hey, Nico, want to go fishing?" he asked brightly, or at least as brightly as a god of the dead can do. And, okay, maybe asking someone to go fishing is weird, but then he heard that fishing was the best bonding time for fathers and sons.

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