Chapter 3

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As the plane touched down in Amsterdam after an eight-hour flight, there was excitement in the air. Chloe had been placed next to Don, with Cindy on the other side of him. They had enjoyed the flight, and if their two days in New York hadn't been enough to cement their friendship, the flight would have.

Chloe always found when traveling abroad that one always felt an instant connection with someone from their own country, even if one wouldn't usually have anything to do with the other. It was as if you were automatically neighbors with common ground.

Upon their arrival and journey through customs, vans were waiting to take them to their hotel. It was around eight at night, and as long as there were no delays, she would be able to meet Silas for a later dinner.

"What do you say we grab a quick bite to eat somewhere after we settle into the hotel?" Robert asked Chloe, and she was pleased to be able to turn him down.

"I can't. I'm sorry. I have plans." Chloe responded.

"What kind of plans can you have?" Trina asked with a snort.

"I'm meeting a friend," Chloe explained.

The van grew silent at her reply, possibly waiting for her to explain, but when she didn't, the conversation started back up once more.

"Who are you meeting?" Cindy whispered as they arrived at the hotel and exited the van.

"An old friend," Chloe explained as she smiled when she saw Silas leaning against a pillar in the lobby. He had his phone to his ear, and for some reason, Chloe knew he was talking to Faye, who was back in Savannah. Silas often had to make trips to his home country for business, and it was rare for Faye to travel with him unless he was going to be gone for an extended length of time.

Chloe grabbed her duffle bag and moved toward Silas. They kissed cheeks and greeted each other in Dutch before he handed Chloe the phone.

Chloe chatted with Faye, reassuring her that she was alright and that the journey had been without incident. They had seen each other only days before, so it didn't take long until they said their goodbyes and then handed Silas's phone back to him.

"Can I check in first?" she asked.

"Yes, I'll wait here," he agreed as he placed his phone back to his ear.

Chloe turned towards the check-in desk and paused as she saw several pairs of eyes staring back at her. She smiled at them as she joined them.

"Isn't it always nice to meet up with old friends?" Chloe asked as she joined the others.

Cindy gave her a smile in return. "He's handsome," she commented as she looked back at Silas.

"He is," Chloe agreed as she watched Trina and Robert step up to the desk.

"They put me with Ms. Marks this time," Cindy said, looking forlorn at the thought.

"Look at it as a chance to get to know her," Chloe recommended as she stepped up to the desk.

They had put Chloe with Trina, which wouldn't have been her first choice, but since she would be out most of the evening, it probably wouldn't matter.

It took Chloe only about half an hour to check in, freshen up, and meet Silas. She was thankful she had packed a crushable wrap dress that could be worn for dinner because she knew Silas would take her to a fancy restaurant. He always did.

She and Silas talked about nothing in particular as they traveled to the restaurant, and the subject of Faye monopolized most of the conversation since she was something that they had in common.

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