Chapter 14

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It had been two weeks since Chloe had seen Valentine. She continued to spend the weekends with her father, and sometimes Doreen would join them. She still wasn't allowed to do anything other than the most basic of tasks at the hospital, and she hadn't made many friends outside of her fellow American teammates.

Robert had gone over well, and half of the nurses were in love with him, and Chloe had been please to see Don and Cindy form a strong friendship. It was one she thought might continue after they all returned home.

The hospital was in a tizzy because Valentine's fiancé had announced a reception in the Americans' honor, and it was that evening. It was to mark the first official allied exchange of aid or some such nonsense. All of the nurses had been talking about it since it had been announced a week earlier. Chloe had to admit that it was odd that Valentine hadn't said a word about it, but if he was away fighting, then he had bigger things to deal with than a simple reception that wouldn't cause any harm.

The main concern among the nurses was their ability to find something they could wear. There wasn't a wide choice of dress shops in the capitol city. Many of the women had to rely on each other and friends for something decent to wear.

Chloe was going to wear the wrap dress that she had packed, but she had a closet full of old clothes, and she brought some for Cindy to try. They fit in everything but length, and they found a short dress that would work. The nurses were splitting shifts so that as many as possible could attend the party, but all of Chloe's team had been given the night off since they were the guests of honor.

As Chloe arrived with the others at the event and was helped from the van, she looked at the massive hotel that she remembered from when she was a girl. Her father had taken her to the restaurant every Saturday that he was off for high tea. It looked a little run down, but otherwise the same.

They were escorted through the empty lobby, towards the back of the hotel where the banquet room was located. They were not the first to arrive. Many of the staff from the hospital had arrived and were socializing with plates of food and glasses of wine in their hands.

Chloe noted a reception line to the left of the entry doors and recognized Lada Lenkov at the head of it. Moving to the back of the team line, Chloe examined Lada closely as the others went before her. Lada was beautiful, an ice queen, but perhaps lacking in personality. Chloe noted that she didn't smile once as she shook hands with the others. Even when Cindy complimented her on her ice-blue gown, her face remained emotionless.

This was who Valentine had chosen to help him lead his country? The two of them might produce beautiful children, but it wouldn't be a loving marriage, and that was a shame because Chloe knew that Valentine had so much love to give.

The thought of Lada and Valentine together in any way made Chloe feel a bit sick, so she focused on the woman's lovely dress, wishing she had something more dazzling to wear than her wrap dress.

Chloe felt uncomfortable when it was her turn to be introduced to Lada. It wasn't because she was jealous, although she was, and it wasn't because she had so recently seen Juric in all his glory. It was something indescribable. It was as if the woman wished her harm, which was ridiculous because they didn't know each other and had never met. They shook hands, and Lada looked at her for a moment before she spoke.

"Your father is Thomas Lockwood?" she asked in her thick accent.

"Yes," Chloe confirmed as she released the woman's hand. Every fiber in her being was telling her to walk away.

"I have high regard for your father. He has done much for my country." Lada's lips moved very little when she talked. It was as if she was afraid her face might crack if she moved it too much.

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