Chapter 5

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It had been a quiet day. The locals moved out or hunkered down as the troops moved into the area, which meant no one was coming to the hospital. Chloe was filing paperwork in plastic bins to keep her mind occupied and her hands busy. It was a job everyone had been putting off for a while, so there was plenty to do.

Robert and Don had joined her. Robert leaned back in a chair with his feet propped up on the nurses' desk, and Don was sitting backward in a chair with his chin resting on his hands across the back.

Chloe was listening half-heartedly to their conversation about different surgery techniques that should be used and when. Mostly, Robert talked, and Don nodded as a captive audience because he had nothing else to do.

The other nurses were spread throughout the ward, doing housekeeping tasks here and there in between visiting sessions.

Chloe knew Juric was around. She could feel his energy. They hadn't seen Ms. Marks or Dr. Petrov recently, so Chloe guessed that they were with Juric. She had been doing her best not to think of him while she worked. Instead, she focused on her father and tried to devise a plan to see him.

"Of course, if the battle that is about to happen is as bad as they think it is going to be, we will be trapped here for who knows how long, and when it's over, there is a good chance they will send us up to the capitol.

Chloe's hands stopped as Robert's words registered. 

"Where did you hear that?" Chloe asked, keeping her back towards the men.

Robert grinned because he had finally caught her interest. "Petrov mentioned it at breakfast this morning."

Chloe wondered if Juric knew Petrov was sharing information. Nadia and Alena must have been privy to the same information as well because of their previous whispered discussions about the troops in the area. Chloe frowned as she thought about whether she should tell Juric or not.

"Don't be frightened?" Robert said, standing and placing his arm around her shoulders. He had misinterpreted her frown to be fear and not concern. Chloe gritted her teeth at his inappropriate touch, ignoring the situation in hopes that he would back off.

"I'm not frightened," she assured him, continuing to file, hoping he would take the hint and drop his arm.

The door flap at the opposite end of the tent opened, and Ms. Marks, Dr. Petrov, and Juric entered.

Robert squeezed her shoulders, resting his cheek against the top of her head. "It'll be alright. I'll keep an eye on you," he assured her.

Chloe had to fight to keep from moving away from his embrace as she watched Juric approach, his eyes were cold as they looked at her and Robert. Chloe knew she didn't need Robert to look out for her because she had Juric on her side. He might be unhappy with her, but he would always watch out for her, of that she was sure.

"We must all talk and prepare a plan," Dr. Petrov said as they drew up to the nurses' desk.

Ms. Marks motioned for the other nurses to join the group, and Chloe took her chance to step away from Robert and toward the other nurses.

Dr. Petrov proceeded to tell them the information that Robert had just shared, and Chloe's face remained impassive as her eyes were glued to Juric, she was hoping to make him uncomfortable, but she should have known better. Juric had faced much fiercer enemies than a wronged woman.

"We need to set positions, especially for the nurses," Petrov said as he pulled out a clipboard that had everyone's names on it. "Nurse Marks, you will handle triage."

Chloe watched as the woman's eyes grew large at the thought, confirming Chloe's feelings that she was not a capable nurse.

"Won't I be needed in the operating room? Who will organize the nurses if I'm too focused on patients?" she hedged, doing her best to get out of it.

Love Me Long (Love Me Book 4)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें