Chapter 17

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When Chloe opened her eyes, it was dark. She had been in such a deep sleep that she forgot where she was for a moment, and when Chloe saw the silhouette of a figure sitting in a chair by the window, she jumped into a sitting position.

"You're safe, Chloe," Valentine's deep voice said from across the room.

Chloe relaxed and looked around her. "Can I turn on a light, or will it give us away?"

"You can turn on the one next to you if you like." Valentine was sitting so still. He looked like a statue.

Chloe leaned over and turned on the lamp, blinking as her eyes adjusted to the light. "God, this is an awful room, isn't it?" The room had marble floors and walls with all marble surfaces. The only soft things in the room were the bed and a few chairs.

"Now you know why I prefer your old room when I'm in town." Valentine stood, reaching for a black doctor's bag that was on the floor next to him. "May I look at your hand?"

Chloe nodded and scooted to the edge of the bed. Valentine joined her, and she felt the bed dip as he sat. The fact that it pulled her closer to him was something she didn't fight.

He rolled up her sleeve and grew angry when she saw the rope burns there. He checked the other wrist and cursed softly under his breath. "You weren't supposed to get hurt!" It was the second time he had said it.

"Did you expect me not to fight back and go willingly? I didn't know if Dimitrie was friend or foe." Chloe had to clear her throat as it clogged with fear once more.

"Tell me everything. It will help." Valentine's touch was tender as he put antibiotic ointment on her wrists and wrapped them.

Chloe started by telling him about meeting Lada and how rude she had been. That she had made plans to leave as soon as she could, but it hadn't been fast enough because Lada had cornered Chloe in the bathroom.

"Are you really going to marry her?" Chloe asked softly. "How can you stand to touch someone, love someone so cold?"

"I have no intention of marrying her. I never did. There's an adage that says keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I never trusted Lada. She is from an old and wealthy family. Her parents grew up with my uncle and father. I don't know for sure, but I think she had an agreement with my brother, and when he died, she lost power and was eager to regain it. That's all I thought it was, and so I paid little attention to her. Then about two years ago, when my uncle died, another person rose to take his place. I already knew about Dimitrie and knew it wasn't him, but I had a hunch, so I let her into my circle."

"And pushed me further away," Chloe nodded as she remembered how, two years previous, something had gone wrong quickly, causing a lot of backtracking. Chloe had thought it had to do with Valentine's uncle, but now she knew it had been Lada.

"As for touching the woman, I have never done that. I have no desire to." Valentine had moved onto her hand. He had removed the bandage, and at the sight of the angry red wound, he stopped talking.

"And Dimitrie? He's on your side now? You had your talk?" Chole's heart soared at Valentine's words. He didn't love Lada. He didn't even like her.

"Yes, thanks to you, we have realized we share the same goal, but we thought it wise to play it safe and have him stay my enemy for the time being."

"Was he the one who told you that Lada was following you and that she would kidnap me?" Chloe had a sudden thought that someone might have bugged his room, and they might be listening to them right now.

"Dimitrie had teamed up with Lada, claiming to be even madder at me than ever before because of his losses in battle last month. What's wrong? Valentine asked her with a frown as he watched her look around the room.

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