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It had been a long day at the hospital, and Chloe, Faye, and Lia ran late for dinner. They had told the men to go ahead to their favorite restaurant to hold the table, and Lia had picked up Faye and Chloe, driving them to the restaurant to get there quicker.

Chloe stopped short just outside the restaurant window as they prepared to enter, looking at the three men who sat at the table, laughing at something one of them had said.

"What's wrong?" Faye asked as she and Lia stopped next to her.

Chloe shook her head. "Look at them. Aren't we so lucky to have three handsome men?" she asked her friends.

Faye smiled. "Yes, they are handsome, aren't they?" she agreed.

Then they watched as a couple of women from across the restaurant approached them with a pen and a piece of paper. They said something to Ben, who smiled and took the pen and paper signing it. Then, when the women should have left, they didn't, and Lia gave a huff.

"Ladies, let's go!" she instructed and led them into the restaurant.

Chloe and Faye followed Lia with amused expressions and watched as she approached the table and laid a big kiss on her husband's lips, marking her territory. The women quickly got the hint and left the table.

"I love it when you get all jealous," Ben grinned, kissing her back.

Faye and Chloe gave their husbands much more subdued kisses.

It was a surreal moment for Chloe as she realized that all of her dreams that she had had in that small little armoire in Drevniye had come true.

"Can we walk home through the square tonight?" Chloe asked Valentine.

He was on her same wavelength because he pulled her close, giving her another kiss.

"Come on, newlyweds! Surely you can get through one dinner without making out!" Ben teased.

"Excuse me, didn't your wife just stick her tongue down your throat?" Chloe asked in a defensive voice.

"Touche," Ben laughed. "What about you, Silas? Don't you want to give your Faye another kiss?" Ben taunted the reserved Silas.

Faye blushed at the thought.

"Not our style, Ben. You know that." Silas's words were firm but good-humored.

Everyone ordered drinks but Faye, and they all looked at her questioningly. They knew she was a lightweight, but she always had at least one glass.

"Faye, you're not drinking?" Lia pointed out in a hushed tone.

"I can't, at least not until the baby comes," Faye responded softly. Her hand was squeezing Silas's under the table.

Lia and Chloe bother screamed as they pushed Silas out of the way to hug their friend. A baby meant a new beginning and another chapter.

"We're going to be aunts!" Lia crowed.

Everything had worked out wonderfully. All of their dreams were coming true.

****Thank you all for hanging in there with me on this one. It took a long time for me to write, and it's not what I want it to be yet, but I hope you enjoyed it. I do realize it needs a lot of work. This is truly a draft version, and I'll be working on it to make it better after a little time away from it. I hope to be back with a new story at the end of the year so keep a lookout. Happy reading, and as always, thank you for your continued support.


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