Chapter 21

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Chloe was putting her stuff in her locker before her shift when Faye entered and stopped in her tracks at the sight of her.

"I thought today was your day off?" she asked as she stared at Chloe.

It was supposed to be Chloe's day off, but she didn't want to sit at home and dwell on the fact that Valentine had been in town for almost a week and hadn't attempted to contact her, so when another nurse called asking her to cover her, she agreed.

"It was, but Eileen was sick, so she asked if I would cover for her," Chloe responded with a concerned look at Faye. Faye was the easiest person to read, and Chloe could tell that she wasn't happy to see her at work.

"Why, is there something going on that I'm not supposed to know about?" Chloe reached for her stethoscope and hung it around her neck.

Faye took a deep breath and walked toward her locker.

"Faye?" Chloe asked.

"Silas is bringing Valentine in for a tour of the hospital today. He knew it was your day off, so they thought it would be best if he did it today. You're not supposed to be here." Faye looked at her, biting her lip.

Chloe did her best not to flinch, but she couldn't control her sudden pallor. Did Valentine think she was going to throw herself at him if she did see him? Chloe pushed away the hurt and anger. It wasn't Faye's fault, and she could tell that Faye was torn about if she should tell Silas or not.

"What's going on?" Lia asked as she joined them, throwing her bag in her locker and turning to face them.

"Today was supposed to be my day off, but Eileen asked me to cover for her, and because it is supposed to be my day off, Silas is bringing Valentine in to tour the hospital," Chloe explained.

"Ouch," Lia said, looking at Faye. "And now Faye doesn't know if she should warn Silas or give you a chance to see Valentine."

"Is that what's going on?" Chloe looked at Faye.

Faye nodded.

"Look, I'm not going to search Valentine out. He knows where to find me if he wants to see me." Chloe assured Faye before turning back to her locker.

"Did you meet him?" Lia asked Faye, watching Chloe's back.

Faye nodded as she also watched her friend.

"What's he like?" Lia asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"He's intimidating and intense; he never smiles." Faye looked uncomfortable.

"But you'll get to meet him today, Lia, when Silas brings him." Chloe closed her locker and turned to face the women.

"Look, you might as well let Silas bring Valentine and get it over with. If neither one of them realizes I'm here, it will all be fine. Give me a heads up when he arrives, and if I'm able, I'll take my lunch break and go to the cafeteria for a little while. You can text me when he leaves." Chloe's plan had plenty of flaws, but it appeared to make Faye feel better.

"You shouldn't have to run away, Chloe. This is your job. He is making a choice to come here." Lia crossed her arms.

"Yes, Lia, I agree, but I don't want to make things uncomfortable for Faye and Silas." Chloe patted her friend's arm as she passed.

The morning flew by. Chloe was so busy that she hardly had time to worry about Silas or Valentine. They were on full diversion by one o'clock, and there were no beds to be had anywhere in the hospital.

Chloe was checking the vitals on a patient when Lia stuck her head in the door. "Chloe, go to lunch," she said before leaving just as quickly as she had appeared.

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