(1) the first time

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       "Well if you would've listened to me, you wouldn't have fallen in

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       "Well if you would've listened to me, you wouldn't have fallen in. I'm just saying." Allison stated, laughing as Sam playfully glared at her. She squealed when he shook his hair, causing the cold water to be flung in her direction. The pair were walking back from the river, where they went fishing to pass the time, as there wasn't anything else to do on a small reservation like La Push. 

"How are you holding up?" Sam asked after a few minutes of comfortable silence, making Allison sigh, as she knew the question was going to come up sooner or later. "I'm fine, Sam. You on the other hand, look like you haven't slept in days. Are you okay?" Sam shook his head at the woman beside him, completely aware of her attempt at changing the subject.

"Joseph's in town." Sam stated simply, and Allie glared at the muddy path in front of her, her lips pursed into a poorly hidden scowl. Sam noticed her furrowed brow, but decided not to comment on it, leaving them in a heavy silence instead. They reached her place soon after, and the pair both set their fishing gear against the side of the house. Allison began walking inside, stopping only when she noticed that the almost 7' tall man was not behind her, but instead walking in the opposite direction, toward his unwelcome home.

"Uley!" Allie called out, standing in her doorway. Sam turned, sending her a confused look. "What the hell are you doing?" She asked incredulously.

"Going home." Sam stated, although it came out as more of a question. Allison snorted. "Yeah, right. You honestly think I'm going to make you go back there when I'm in this house all by myself? I don't think so."

Sam hid a smile, more than thankful for his best friend. "Are you sure?" He asked once, already walking back toward her. Allison answered with a scoff, walking back inside, causing him to hang his head, laughing lightly before jogging after her and shutting the back door behind him.


Inside, Sam gazed around, nostalgia hitting him in waves as he took in the moderate sized house that his best friend grew up in. No longer was it the cheerful, happy family home that it once was, the home that he himself spent most of his time in when they were younger. Instead, the house was dark, with a heavy aura to it, dust covering a few surfaces.

There were boxes stacked along the wall, and all of the pictures were missing off of the walls, except one. Sam smiled sadly at the picture of Allie's parents, who were smiling and happy.

He missed them more than he would ever let on; They treated him as if he were their own son, which was a lot better than what he was used to at home. He ripped his gaze from the photo on the wall to the girl leaning against the counter, a beer in hand, watching him closely.

She tilted her chin, motioning to the fridge before shaking her bottle lightly; Her silent way of telling him to grab a beer if he wanted one. He obliged, walking past her, trying his best to ignore her rose-scented shampoo as he reached into the fridge, screwing off the cap and throwing it on the counter before taking a long swig. There were times when the duo would talk for hours, about anything and everything, and other times when they hardly said anything at all. Both were completely fine with either, having known each other for so long that just being in each other's company was enough for them.

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