{17} Marked

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Super long chapter- and mature themes- read at your own risk!


Allie's POV

After being deemed healthy enough to leave the hospital, I got dressed in the clothes the raven haired vampire- Alice- left for me.

I then headed out into the hall, intent on seeing Bella. I started laughing when I saw Jasper standing outside my door, like a bodyguard.

"You know, when Sam asked you to keep an eye out for me, I don't think this is what he meant." I said, giggling.

He cocked an eyebrow.

"Who am I kidding. This is probably exactly what he meant." I mumbled, and Jasper chuckled before following me across the hall to Bella's room.

"Hey! You leaving me already?" She grumbled, obviously noticing my new clothes.

"Yep, I've got to get home before those boys of mine starve. I swear they eat constantly but have no idea how to cook." Bella giggled at that.

I walked up to her, wrapping her in a hug. "Come see me when you get home. Bring Jake with you if you want. He knows where I live." I pulled back and smiled at her. "Don't be a stranger Bella."

I grinned as I walked out, my personal- blonde, Greek-God looking, vampire - bodyguard following closely beside me.

"Where to now, ma'am?" Jasper said, his southern twang becoming more prominent the more comfortable he gets with me.

I rolled my eyes at the title before gesturing towards the front door.


He grinned.


I was practically bouncing in my seat as the pilot announced that we would be landing in Seattle soon.

Jasper was beside me in the aisle seat, pretending to be asleep. I "shook him awake" as we started to descend, and he laughed at the emotions radiating off of me, the most prominent emotion being excitement.

We stood up once we had landed, and Jasper kindly reached above our seats, grabbing our carry on bags. With both duffle bags thrown over his shoulder, mine being packed with things that Alice deemed necessary for me to have in the two days I was there, we started walking toward the gate.

I rolled my eyes as I saw a group of girls eyeing Jasper, and him smirking and holding his head up high because he knew what he did to them.

I shook my head at him, slightly amused, before I heard my name being called.

I looked over towards the sound and immediately noticed Sam, standing over a foot taller than everyone around him. I waved at him, and saw a grin spread across his face as I took off running towards him, immediately throwing myself into his arms, breathing in his intoxicating scent.

He set me down and pulled back, instead taking my face in his hands, running his thumb lightly over my bruised and cut up cheek. I nuzzled my face in his hand, enjoying his touch, which made him smile wider.

"Ready to go home?" He asked quietly, and I nodded.

"More than anything. There's just one thing I have to do first, and don't get mad, 'Kay? Remember you kind of forced him to do this in the first place." I chuckled nervously, knowing how he felt about vampires, but Jasper and I grew really close after the day he saved me.

I walked over to Jasper with a small smile on my face, and pulled him in for a quick hug, laughing when I saw him wrinkle his nose in disgust because I smelled like Sam.

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