{11} Courage

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Allie's POV:

My mind felt groggy. I tried and failed over and over to open my eyes, but it felt as though they were glued shut. I struggled, pushing against the blackness, but it felt like it was weighing me down, and I wasn't strong enough to fight against it. I laid there, unmoving, not quite able to remember what happened, or why I can't move, or see, or hear anything. After various tries with no results, I was about to give up when slowly, creeping up on me, I felt something. It was then and there I wished again for the numbness and the blackness, because now all I could feel was pain. The pain motivated me, giving me the final push I needed to open my eyes.


I winced as my eyelids fluttered open, the light much to bright after living in the dark. As my eyes focused, and I wasn't so deliriously confused, the pain came back, hitting me in waves. I groaned, my eyes squeezing shut, trying to block out the agony radiating from my thigh.

I heard a commotion beside me and tried my hardest to focus on what they were saying.

"Is she awake?"

"What?" I heard a sleepy voice ask, a voice I knew I recognized but couldn't put a name to.

"Allie- is she awake? I could've sworn I heard her make a noise."

I heard someone shuffle to the right of me, my eyes trained on the ceiling, terrified that if I move the pain I'm feeling will get worse. In my peripheral, I see someone extremely tall walking over to me. I heard a sharp intake of breath and then saw the person hurry the rest of the way over.

I sighed in relief as my brain finally made the connection, and I smiled, my eyes trained on him.

"Sam" I croaked, before wincing, my throat extremely parched, and the pain in my leg flaring up excruciatingly. I feel tears slip out of the corners of my eyes.

"Allie? Are you okay?? Jared go get the doctor." I heard him order, his voice laced with concern.

I laid there unmoving for a few, only smiling slightly when I felt Sam take my hand, holding it and giving it a soft squeeze.

I heard the door open and my eyes flashed open once more, my gaze locking on the doctor, who hurried into the room, Jared hot on his heels. He glanced up at Sam, before returning his gaze to me, his eyebrows furrowing as he saw my silent tears, which were still streaming down my cheeks.

He walked closer, making sure he was in my line of sight as he said, "Alison, my name is Dr. Chris Wood. Can you speak for me?"

"Yes" I rasped out weakly, my voice sounding like I was a old smoker. I licked my lips involuntarily, trying my hardest to get some sort of relief from the desert that was my mouth and throat. Thankfully, Dr. Wood noticed, and walked away for a moment, returning with a styrofoam cup filled with water with a plastic straw. I smiled at him gratefully before he held the straw to my lips, letting me take much needed gulps of the refreshingly cold water.

After what he deemed was enough, he pulled the cup back, and I sighed in content, leaning further back on the pillows as I was happy to have cleared up that problem. I went to get more comfortable, shifting my right leg slightly and then crying out in pain.

"Alison? Are you alright?" Dr. Wood asked.

I shook my head and pointed at my leg, and he frowned. He looked back at the clipboard in his hands, raising a paper before humming slightly.

"You are due for your next round of pain medications, I'll be right back with the nurse."

Finally having the courage, I turned my head slightly, looking at Sam, who was still gripping my hand. I saw his face, frowning as I saw a tear fall down his cheek.

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