{18} Mr. Cowboy

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Allie's POV:

I woke up the next morning tangled up with Sam in bed. I smiled softly as I looked at his peaceful face, reaching up and gently moving a few strands of his black hair, that was getting long, out of his face.

I heard a few noises downstairs and guessed that Jared and Paul were here, so I slowly got up, trying my hardest not to wake up Sam.

I flinched in surprise as I felt his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me back to him as he buried his face in my stomach.

"Give me 5 more minutes." He rasped out, and again I blushed at how attractive he sounded when he woke up in the morning.

I chuckled, and leaned down, kissing him lightly before getting up and walking to my room to get dressed for the day.

I heard a wolf-whistle as I walked past the stairs in only Sam's shirt- and flipped them off before sprinting to my room, hearing them laugh as I slammed the door.

I sighed, grinning from ear to ear as I pulled on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and an off the shoulder white top, showing off my mark- which was now a crescent shaped scar that was slightly more warm to the touch than the rest of my body- and a few light purple bruises on my neck and shoulder, curtesy of Sam last night.

I blushed as I looked at my "decorations" and don't bother to try and cover them up, secretly proud that Sam marked me as his for everyone to see.

I pulled my blonde hair back into a ponytail and brushed my teeth before heading downstairs, instantly being bombarded with questions as soon as thing 1 and 2 saw me.

The first thing both of them asked simultaneously was, "Why do you smell weird?"

Followed by Jared practically yelling "Holy shit she fucked Sam!"

Followed by Paul instantly asking me questions like "How was it?" and "Is this what you wanted?" While Jared was still freaking out over the fact that it happened.

I laughed at both of them as I moved toward the fridge, reminding Jared to breathe and reassuring Paul that it was indeed what I wanted, that I didn't regret it, and that it was definitely good.

I turned on the stove and was pulling out a large skillet, much to Jared's delight, when Paul asked me a question that made me freeze. "So are you guys together now?"

After the shock of not knowing the answer wore off, I shrugged, before putting the skillet on the flame so that it could warm up.

"I would like the answer to that myself." Sam said from the bottom of the stairs, finally dressed and awake.

I cleared my throat awkwardly, and turned back to the stove, feeling three sets of eyes on me as I stirred the eggs. After a few moments of realizing that stalling isn't going to work, I turned around and nervously looked at the floor, my face heating up in embarrassment and nervousness.

"I mean- well, I hope- um... I think so? But I'm not sure. I want to be." I finally spit out- more of a question than an answer, waiting to see what Sam said.

To my surprise, and Paul and Jared's as well, he started laughing. Full on belly aching roll on the floor laughter. I felt tears spring up in my eyes and spun around, feeling stupid and embarrassed, of course he would laugh.

Why would he want to have a relationship with me?
God I'm an idiot.

I turned back to the breakfast, and piled the food on plates, trying as hard as I could to not let the tears fall when I heard a "dude what the fuck" and a groan.

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