Chapter 6.

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★【Curiosity killed the Cat】★

"Why did you kiss me?"

You question him after both your lips departed, your face becoming a dark shade of red.

Black chuckled and began to lick his lips. "Well that certainly was a delightful appetizer, but I have tasted better." He comments with a hint of distaste.

Your eyebrows form frowns above your eyes and you cluelessly stare at him.


"Aww, is my little flower upset again? Did she think a divine god would sin because he actually loved a mortal?"

Another one of his proud chuckles and you had to restrain yourself from slapping him across the face.

"I just thought you had one good bone in your body, but that was a fucked up theory..."

You stood up, a bit too abruptly then you would have intended. You felt many things at that moment: disgusted, confused, surprised, embarrassed but anger wasn't one of them. Surprisingly.

Black quickly caught your hand before you could move away from the bed. "Where do you think you're going?"

You pointed your nose up, still being disgusted by Black's twisted behavior and managed to shake your hand free from his grasp.

"The terrace."

You muttered and shifted out of the room. Maybe fresh air would clear your mind.

You relaxed your arms on the wooden fence around the terrace and simply stared at the crimson sun which had started to rise.

A deep exhale as you shut your eyes.

There was no point in being mad at his words anymore, he was never going to change, especially not for a mortal.

You were actually starting to miss your life before Black arrived. Yes, it wasn't perfect but atleast it wasn't as confusing as this crazy fiasco. You were free to go wherever you pleased with whoever you wanted to and you had made two new friends, if you could call them. Trunks and Mai, but Black took them away from you too.

What next?

Suddenly, two hands were tight on your shoulders, pulling you slightly back and breaking your thoughts.

"Careful, we wouldn't want you to fall." Black states, baring a smirk which caused a light gasp to escape your lips.

"Go away Black, why don't you go destroy more cities? That is all you know how to do..." You hissed at him.

There was a long silence before Black finally responded.

"Are you not conserned about the lives of your fellow mortals?"

"Of course I am, but there isn't anything I can do about it, now is it? I have my own problems..." You sarcastically add than glared at him.

Black blinked than furrowed his eyebrows at your words.

"I wouldn't call myself a 'problem', it's much more like your 'savior.' He smirked down at you as he pinched your bottom lip with his finger.

"You're a real knight in shinning armor, Black." You said and rolled your eyes.

"Again with that name you fashioned for me, Black. You mortals find names in simple colors?" He asked but you silently turned away from him, staring at the heads of a few trees below the cabin, finding them more amusing than what Black had to say.

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