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"Nii-san have you seen Pichu?" (Y/n) worriedly ask her brother while looking under her bed to see nothing but dust and other unused stuff, but not Pichu.

"I thought he was with you" Toru scratch his head in frustration while looking around his side of the room.

"No, I thought he was with YOU" She  said, Pichu would always be her alarm every morning but today she woke up without Pichu on his pillow fort.

"With me? I haven't seen him since I woke up" they tried calling out for Pichu's name but no respond from the little one at all.

"Do you think his playing hide and seek again? He always does that whenever he wants to play with us" Said Toru.

"But this one's different, he would always ask us before playing"  (y/n) grip her hair in panic, wondering where on earth could Pichu be. Toru saw how stress his sister is and suggested "Don't panic, we haven’t check the whole house yet. Leave the upstair to me, go look in the basement. Maybe he's there"

"The basement!" She exclaimed, dashing to the basement in hope of seeing her little friend in there.

"Pichu" she calls out, she opened the light for better view of the room.  Its been so long since she came here and nothing change in the room, nothing has been move...

' Impossible, Pichu couldn't even reach the door knob. What's the chance of finding him here? ' she thought.

After realising what she had thought about, she consciously slap herself both in the cheeks and started scolding herself mentally.

' Don't say such negative things (y/n), you'll find him soon enough '

She started looking around, opening every box there is, looking under the old furniture and opening the dustiest closet.

" Since when are you good at hiding Pichu" she tease. Hopefully, making Pichu think he won will make him come out of it's hiding spot.

"You won, you can come out now" she said aloud not no respond.

"Seriously Pichu, you're giving me a heart attack just by not showing haha" she let out a force laugh. "Not a funny prank Pichu" she whispered sadly.

This time, she couldn’t help but think that something bad happen to Pichu. Her sad emotions causes her heart to beat rapidly.

She didn't want to gave up looking, she look and look but no sign of her little friend.

' why, why, why, why, why '

They just had a deep conversation last night and now he's nowhere to be seen. They already promise to be there for each other but if he want to leave, Pichu would atleast say goodbye. For (y/n) this felt like a nightmare and wants to wake up with Pichu shaking her shoulder to wake her up. She had grown attach to the creature and doesn't want to let go. At least not now...

" Did I say something wrong? Was I overdramatic last night? Does it mean, he can't stand drama?" (Y/n) started asking random question, walking back and forth and biting her finger in frustration.

She was about to lose it until Toru came "Did you find him?"

The girl only shook her head in respond still walking in the same spot until Toru stop her by grabbing both of her shoulder. "Calm down (y/n) we’ll find him. Okay? Think positive"

"But we already look around, what if something bad had happen to him, what if someone broke in our house last night and kidnap Pichu or or what if he actually left us" (y/n) can feel herself tearing up.

She doesn't want to lose a friend, she wants to spend more time with Pichu. Toru can understand what his sister is feeling, Pichu mean so much for them.

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