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Toru slams the bedroom door open to see his sister still sleeping soundly, sleeping in a weird position with her mouth open causing her to drool at her pillow.

Toru would like to cherish this moment by taking a picture and making fun of her but it isn't the time for that.

"Oi (y/n)- Wake up, you promise me we'll go hiking today!" He shouted but received no respond from the snoring girl.

"Didn't I told you to set your alarm yesterday?!" He continued to yell making the girl stir in her sleep, burying her head in the pillow. "5- no 30 more minutes please" she mumbled, refusing to wake up.

"Don't be a lazy ass and get up!" The older male eventually gave up "Whatever, waking you up isn't my job anymore" he sigh, getting out of her room and closing the door slightly.

"Yeaaah, let me sleep..." she said already drifting to sleep once again until a bird came from her open window and flew inside her room, landing on her shoulder, (y/n) didn't felt anything because of its light weight.

The bird tilt its head, watching the sleeping girl snoring loudly. "Fletchling?"

"Mmm...40 more minutes" she turned her head on the other direction.

"Fletch-" Fletchling moves closer to the girl's face. Slowly raising it's head and wings then mercilessly peck (y/n)'s face awake.

"Ah! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ah- stop- Ouch! Im awake Im awake!" The girl yelled in pain, waving her hands above her head while the flying pokemon dodge her every movement

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"Ah! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ah- stop- Ouch! Im awake Im awake!" The girl yelled in pain, waving her hands above her head while the flying pokemon dodge her every movement.

(Y/n) sat up on her bed still half asleep while fletching sat on the top of her head, pecking her one last time to stay awake.

"Ouch!" It's the 58th day Fletching pecked her awake and she's still not use to it.


Lazily walking to the kitchen, she saw her mother preparing breakfast early this morning. Akari smiled at her daughter once she saw her with Fletchling still sitting on her head like a nest.

"Good morning Sweetie, what's with the face?" She chuckled.

"I was having a good dream and Toru and Fletching woke me up, like geez, who wakes up 4 in the morning for hiking" She groaned while sitting in the chair.

"Well you did promise to come" Akari said while turning off the stove.

Fletching flew and lands on the table next to Chansey who's placing the plates in the table.

"Thank you for the help Pancham" Akari said, patting Pancham's head and serving the pancakes on the plate.

"Thank you for the help Pancham" Akari said, patting Pancham's head and serving the pancakes on the plate

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