The New Hobbit

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(Up above is some fan art I did for ATUS [and yes, I know I kinda changed the mask design, but I thought it just looked better with the lines], the fan fiction I'm writing my own sequel to. So if you haven't read ATUS before, then I suggest going to do that. It's on Ao3.)

Maya sucked in a quick breath as she took in the sight of the hobbit hole. "It's adorable."

X smiled and followed after Maya. "This is where you'll be staying for the time being."

"I'm staying here !?" Maya clapped her hands together and looked at the hole with a critical eye. "I'll need to add a water feature over there ... and maybe a fire pit/campsite type thing there ... but this'll do flawlessly." She turned around to X. "You said this was someone's starter base. Grian, right?"

"Yes. He said he was tidying it up for you." X studied Maya. As soon as the words left his mouth, a crash followed by a squawk sounded. "Those pesky birds," Maya heard someone say from inside.

"And there he is," X sighed. He called to his fellow hermit: "We're here, G!"


"Those pesky birds!" Grian grumbled. "Always getting in my way whenever I'm trying to do something important!" He placed a few more blocks in the wall, fixed the window, and dusted the floor. Then he heard someone yell from outside; it sounded like Xisuma. 'Time for my new trick.' Grian smirked and called upon his magic. His wings slowly transformed their appearance, loosing their feathery look for the smooth membrane of elytra. 'That should stop her suspicions. "

Grian whipped his head towards the front as two figures entered the building. One was the familiar face of Xisuma, clad in his bee armor. Standing next to him was a short girl, only a few inches within Grian's height; Xisuma towered over her. She didn't look more than 16 years old, either. Maya (Grian assumed it was her, due to ... logic) stuck out her hand and said, "Howdy there. The name's Maya. And I'm guessing you're Grian?"

"That'd be right," Grian replied, accepting the handshake. Xisuma was looking at Grian, his eyes revealing the shock of Grian's wings. Grian just shook his head at X, his body language telling him not to worry about it.

X sighed, saying, "Well, I'll leave you two to become acquainted." Xisuma but on what appeared to be a set of bee wings and stepped outside.

Grian turned to Maya, but she was gone.


Grian ran around the hobbit hole searching left and right for the girl, worried that he'd already failed Xisuma within a few minutes of meeting her.

Professor Beak flew after Grian, chirping in concern as to where his new roommate could've run off to.

A few minutes later and not a sighting of Maya, Grian had a brilliant idea. "The tunnel!" He exclaimed.

Bird and boy ran to the old mail tunnel that connected the two hobbit holes. 

As they neared Mumbo's old hobbit hole, Grian could hear someone singing softly. "...ᓵ⚍⨅ ||𝙹⚍'⍊ᒷ ᔑꖎ∴ᔑ||ᓭ ⍑ᔑ↸ ᔑ ∷ᔑ╎リʖ𝙹∴... ⍑ᔑリ⊣╎リ⊣ 𝙹⍊ᒷ∷ ||𝙹⚍∷ ⍑ᒷᔑ↸..." 

Grian came around the corner to see Maya just... "Exploring." Maya turned to face Grian. "I'm sorry if I scared you. I was just exploring. Tunnels are so inviting. Almost as bad as being told not to press a button, am I right?" She giggled.

Grian just stared at her, firstly wondering how she even knew the ancient language, and secondly... just how right she was. Grian started laughing. "You aren't wrong, y'know. Buttons are pretty tempting." Professor Beak flew around Grian's head and perched himself right on Maya's shoulder. 

"Aw," Maya cried, "I think he likes me!" The bird nudged Maya's head in response.

"Traitor," Grian muttered at the parrot, and a cold feeling came over him... Scar had called Jellie a traitor the night before- No, he wasn't going to think about it...

Maya could sense something was up but did not ask. "Oh well, where did this lead to anyways?"

"My friend Mumbo's old hobbit hole," Grian said, distant. "Bumbo Baggins was what we all called him." Joe, the portal, the look on Mumbo's face when he pushed him through the portal... it all came flooding back-

"Grian?" Maya touched Grian on the shoulder, causing him to jump, startled at her touch. "It's getting late; we should head back." Maya, Professor Beak still on her shoulder, turned and walked back towards Grian's old base.

Grian stood there, arms crossed. Once the pair had turned the corner, Grian dropped his magical charade, his Watcher wings revealing their true form. "Why..." he said to himself, sitting against the wall, "why did they have to choose me?... ARGH! To the blasted Nether with them-"


Maya sighed, laying her head on the white pillow, the light blue covers of the bed pulled close to her chin. "T╎ꖎꖎ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ᓭ⚍リ ᓭ⍑𝙹∴ᓭ ⍑╎ᓭ ⎓ᔑᓵᒷ, p∷𝙹⎓ᒷᓭᓭ𝙹∷ bᒷᔑꖌ." Maya closed her eyes, preparing for the sweet bliss of sleep. 


They sat across from each other, discussing... things. When and how, to be exact. They already knew who; he was the perfect candidate, given his history with their targets. When she had been too curious for her own good, she had brought it upon all of them, and no longer just herself.

"When shall we tell him?" one asked.

"Soon... soon," the other answered.

Sleeping deep in the void was someone who could complete their plan... They just had to set him free.


*laughs maniacally* MWAHAHAHAHA! Cliffhangers, am I right? :D

Hey guys and gals! Sorry to keep y'all waiting, but 'ere it is! The next chapter is gonna reveal a bit more about Maya's past, so stay tuned!

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