Now As To Why...

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Xisuma sat over his laptop, fingers scrolling through the player code. Specifically, he was trying to find Maya's code. The fact was... he couldn't find anything about her. Nothing.

Doc walked back into the room, handing a cup of tea to the working admin. "Any progress?"

X sighed and leaned back in his chair. "Nothing. It's like she's not alive... what is she?"

Doc thought for a while. "Have you even checked the entity codes?"

X mentally facepalmed and pulled up a new window. After about ten minutes of silence and Doc's occasional sippage (idc if that's a real word-) of tea, he spoke. "There's nothing here. It's like she doesn't even... exist."

Doc came over and placed a hand on X's shoulder. "Maybe there is, but we're not looking in the correct place." The cyborg took a sip of tea and continued. "You should probably sleep. You've already passed your record; it's been six nights without you actually getting some real sleep."

X started to object, but Doc shushed him. "Drink your tea." X pushed two buttons, located on either side of his bee-themed helmet, and it produced a whooshing noise. He lifted it up and placed it on his desk. He fluffed his hair up, his 

The admin room was just a dark grey box-of-a room; there were only a desk and a few chairs. Doc pushed the mug of chilly tea into the admin's hands and left the room, muttering a quick 'good night, X.' 

Messages were being sent through chat, wishing each other a good night's sleep and sweet dreams before they all charged their communicators for the night.

<Renthedog> Night 

<Stressmonster101> nite luvs

<Grian> see you in the morning

<MayaluTara> till the Sun shows his face, may sweet dreams bless you


She smiled, restraining the laugh growing inside of her. The boy in front of her kept failing to land with elytra. "Ako, remember to pull back to land softly." She covered her mouth to keep from laughing.

Ako started to land, almost sticking it, but cried out as he slipped on the edge of the platform and started to fall backwards. "MAYA!" he screamed, "I HATE THIS!"

Maya reached down and caught Ako's hand before he could fall and pulled him up onto the platform. "Why the heck did you have to build a tower with no stair access?!"

"Because most people are better with elytra than you are and can land on the platform. Plus, I was trying to recreate Rapunzel's tower, and there weren't stairs to get up there."

"But she had long hair for people to climb. If I'm not mistaken... YOU DON'T!" 

"Jeez, chill bro." Maya nudged Ako in the shoulder and sat down on the edge of the platform, her feet dangling to the dark oak forest below. "I'm only teasing with ya."

Ako huffed a laugh. "Fine, but I suggest that you build stairs leading up here."

"Doesn't really matter, does it? It's all gonna be gone in a few weeks, with the reset and all..." Maya glanced at Ako as he sat by her side. "Ako?"


"There's... there's something I have to tell you-"

Ako pulled Maya closer to him, hugging her from the side. They watched as the sun set over the horizon. "Whatever it is, I'm here."

When the Universe Smiles (abandoned) ((go read the Trilogy))Where stories live. Discover now