Friends and Family

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"Yes it's me, the legend himself." Herobrine bowed mockingly to the Hermits gathered.

Iskall just stared, False drew her sword, Doc ran behind False, and Xisuma crossed his arms. "Welcome to Hermitcraft, Herobrine."

But Herobrine wasn't paying attention to the Hermits. He continued, "We need to get Maya. And we need to get the Elitists."

"The who?" False questioned.

At that moment, all the rest of the Hermits decided to enter the room. (It was a secret room; idk how they found it-)

Grian exclaimed, "What happened to Maya, and why the heck is Herobrine here?" Stress and Mumbo were standing behind the gremlin, a shaking Jevin off to the side. Cleo glanced coldly at the brown-haired man, Joe placing a hand on her shoulder.

The newly-elected mayor clutched his cat close to him, eyeing Herobrine warily. "⍑ᒷ∷𝙹ʖ∷╎リᒷ." Grian shivered at the name, his wing feathers ruffling.

Herobrine cast a curious glance towards the former Watcher. "So, some mortals still know me under that name, I see... Now didn't you hear what I just said?" Herobrine waved his hands, forming a golden and red portal. His white eyes glowed brighter.

"Shouldn't some of us stay behind?" Bdubs suggested. "To watch the server?"

"Sounds good, Bdubs. The rest of us, let's go." Xisuma walked through first, followed by Iskall, False, who still hadn't put her sword away, Grian, Mumbo, etc.

The Hermits that went through arrived on the other side, landing in the center of a mushroom mansion.

Finally, Herobrine stepped through. "We're here."

"Where's 'here'?" Doc asked.



Nonononononono! Maya screamed mentally, knowing exactly where she was even if the potion hadn't warn off. Xanthus carried her through the castle halls, leading to the throne room.

The potion the Watchers had given Xanthus provided, basically, a coma-like status for the person it was used on, not fully knocking them out, but keeping them awake enough to hear their surrounding and know the pain they were going to experience. And those sadist Watchers knew it was Maya's worst fear to be back here. What they had done to her in the past was unforgivable-

Xanthus rounded a corner in the hall, coming to a stop before the two mighty Watchers seated in front of him. "I have completed your task, oh Mighty Ones."

The one referred to by Grian as Braid stood and walked down the stairs leading to the floor. "Thank you, Xanthus Enyal Void. You will be rewarded." Braid took the sleeping girl from his arms, Xanthus bowing and teleporting away to his home in the Void.

Braid smiled, flashing their sharp teeth. Crown walked up behind them, saying, "We finally have our little Joy back." They walked side by side to an empty bedroom, placing Maya down and covering her with the black silk sheets. Braid procured Maya's old mask and placed it down on the near by nightstand, and Crown created magical restraints on Maya's wrists and ankles. "We'll be back for you," Crown whispered.


Matt has been working on renovating his woodland mansion when his communicator started buzzing like crazy. Seeing all the joining messages, he teleported to spawn, only to be met with a crowd of around 15 players. And he recognized them. 'Oh my gosh the Hermits- Herobrine!?' Seeing Maya's brother here gave him a gut feeling that she was in trouble.

Running over to the crowd, he said, "Hello, and welcome to EliteCraft...? How and why are you all here?" he asked, looking intensely at Herobrine. The other Elitists started filtering through the Nether portal, glancing around curiously at the Hermits that had appeared on their whitelisted server, all of them freezing when they noticed Herobrine.

Herobrine took Matt off to the side, saying, "They got my sister." Matt's eyes went wide.


"Void's brother. He was manipulated to capture her." Herobrine looked Matt dead in the eyes. "Gather your members, and tell none of the Hermits that Maya is my sister. It... will complicate things."

Matt sent a quick message to all the Elitists saying not to mention Herobrine's relation to Maya. "What did she tell them?" Matt asked once he was finished.

"That she used to be a Watcher and that she escaped. No mention of us." (Who is us, you may ask... Tehehe-)

"Do Entity and Null know?"

"No one. I bet my father does, but he hasn't shown his f-ing face in centuries. Null is MIA, Entity is insane, and Steve is... I don't know. After Alex died..." Herobrine's head dropped. "All hell broke loose after the Wither Wars."

"I see... Well I'm going to talk to the new company. See you around?"

Herobrine nodded sternly and flew up onto the chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

"Hermits!" Matt yelled. "We would be glad to help you search for Maya. She is like family after all." As some of the Hermits went to talk to the kind admin, a certain few Elitists were bonding with a certain few Hermits.

"So you are the actual Grian!?" Brad said, getting more excited by the minute.

"Y-yes...?" Grian pulled his wings closer around himself, a little overwhelmed by the amount of excitement coming from the boy before him.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so inspired by your builds and everything-"

Mumbo had ended up wandering off to the side, not in the mood to talk to anyone. He noticed someone standing off to the side, his brown eyes scanning the scene in front of him. When his eyes landed on Mumbo, he nodded. Mumbo decided to walk over to him.

"Hey," the man said with a recognizable French accent.


"Who are you?"

"Mumbo Jumbo."

The man raised an eyebrow. "Maya calls me the French Mumbo." He smirked. "I'm Galaxysate, but everyone calls me Gax."

"I take it you do redstone then?"

G (that's how I will refer to him from now on) nodded, pulling at his plaid orange shirt. "What gave it away? The nickname?"

"The red dust in your hair." Mumbo chuckled.

G muttered under his breath and ruffled a hand through his hair. Mumbo started talking about redstone, the introverted Frenchman slowly warming up to the friendly, and very T A L L, Englishman. (If you are part of this comment chain, I applaud you)


I wrote this in less than a day. I think something is wrong with me. It's more or less proofread.


Maya <3

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