2: uncomfortable

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3rd Person POV

As everyone was talking and eating with each other, the clock struck 7:30, which only Suga noticed. He skipped into the big room that they were sharing, with Daichi following behind. Only Asahi and Kenma were there, much to Suga's dismay, and on their phones.

"OK EVERYONE! IT'S TIME! GET OVER HERE!" Suga shouted, which was followed by a bunch of quick paced foots steps as they all raced into the room. As everyone filed in and found a space to sit Suga gave everyone a bright smile.

"So the first game we are going to play is Truth Or Dare!" This was followed by many whoops and cheers, except from Tsukishima and Kenma.
"What if-"

"Tsukishima I already told you that you are participating whether you like it or not. Yamaguchi please make sure he plays sweetie. Thank you!" Yamaguchi nodded and shot Tsukishima a look which got him to quiet down. "Anyway, who wants to start?" Suga asked taking a seat next to Daichi.

"OH OH ME ME ME!!!" Nishinoya practically jumped out of his chair with excitement. Suga nodded and Noya looked around the group evilly.

"Ok! Ummm... Oikawa-san! Truth or Dare?"

"Oh... uh Truth... what are you up to little man..." Oikawa looked at Noya with suspicion. He knew that Noya was a trickster so he was cautious with his choice.

"Hehehe Perfect!" Noya laughed sinisterly, causing Oikawa to gasp quietly. "Oikawa-san do you have a crush on anyone???" Oikawa's face turn bright red.

"Y-yes I do..."

"OOOO WHO IS IT?" Noya asked for everyone. Kenma had even stopped his game to hear the answer.

"THATS NOT PART OF THE DARE BITCHES!" Oikawa laughed triumphantly before gettin scolded by Suga for his language.

"Anyway, enough about me. Tobio-chan Truth or dare?"

"I'm not a loser like you so dare." Kageyama said smirking at his senpai.

"If you say so..." Oikawa looked at his kohai with a terrifying look on his face. "Ok Tobio-chan, since everyone knows how much you LOVE~ beanstalk over here, why don't you go and tell him. I want you to make him uncomfortable, if you know what I'm saying. I want you to whisper it sensually right in his ear. Oh and Tsukki, you can hit him if needed!" Oikawa winked as the 2 first years stared at him aghast. (He's telling Kags to talk dirty to Tsukki)

"First of all, don't call me that. Second, why am I getting roped into this? Why am I the one suffering in this situation?" Tsukishima huffed, clearly annoyed.

"HEY you think I want to say anything to you? Also you can hit me so I don't see how you got the short end of the stick here!" Kageyama yelled back, walking over to Tsukishima and sitting next to him. Kageyama started to lean in closer but Tsukishima kept moving away.

"Get the hell away from me King. I don't need to catch your stupidity." Tsukishima growled.

"Oh shut up and stop moving, it's a dare." Kageyama said grabbing Tsukishima's shoulders and bringing him closer before whispering in his ear. As Kageyama spoke, the whole room could see Tsukishima's face twist in agony and disgust. He even gagged a few times, making Yamaguchi worry. When Kageyama was done he leaned back to see Tsukishima shaking with his hand over his mouth.

"Tsukki..." Yamaguchi squeaked.

"I'm allowed to hit him right." Tsukishima said darkly, to which Oikawa nodded, trying to contain his laugh.

"Don't hurt him Tsukishima, just a light tap, ok!" Suga said wearily.

"Light tap my ass. With what he just said it would be nice of me to only break his arm." Tsukishima replied chuckling softly. "Hey King, which one is your dominant hand?"

"Um my r-"

"Oh wait, I don't care." Tsukishima said swinging and hitting Kageyamas right arm (the part above the elbow, idk what that's called).

" Tsukishima said swinging and hitting Kageyamas right arm (the part above the elbow, idk what that's called)

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(what Tsukki wanted to do ^^)

"Holy- oh my god" Kageyama screeched holding his arm.

"Also, very bold of you to assume you'd top if that was to ever happen. Which it wouldn't. Now go back to your seat."

"Tsukishima Kei you did not have to hit him that hard!" Daichi yelled but Tsukishima just shrugged his shoulders. Oikawa on the other hand, was dying of laughter. He was laughing so hard he fell off the coach and started wheezing, trying to get in air before he passed out. This earned him a strong deadly glare from the Karasuno team parents and a smack to the back to the head from Iwaizumi.

"U-um anyway, Daichi Truth or dare?" Kageyama asked, still holding his arm.

"Uh Dare." Daichi said, still staring daggers into Oikawa who had gotten back onto the couch.

"We all know that you and Suga are dating so kiss you favorite part of Suga... But before you do that, can I have an ice pack." Suga nodded and stood, going to get poor Kageyama an ice pack, while Daichi sat, thinking about what his favorite part of Suga was.

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I hope you like this chapter! I'm actually so excited to write this book!

I have a lot of Truth or Dare Ideas planned! 

I hope you have a great day/night <3 :)

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