chapter 3

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Ok so I've been really good with posting this and it's exciting. I hope you enjoy :)

It's finally the end of the school year. Summer has now arrived and Kuroo couldn't be happier. It was around 10am and he was texting Kenma.

You: I can't believe Bokuto asked to pet the penguins at the zoo 😹

Gaymer kid: I can't believe your still talking about that, it was almost a week ago.

You: But it was so funny! How could I not mention it after you sent me that video about the gay penguins

Gaymer kid: that was at 2am. It's been 8 hours.

You: ....okay but-

Gaymer kid: no buts. He's all you talk about anymore you know? Barely any chemical reaction puns. Disappointing.

You: oh shush, you'll know how this feels one day!~

You: And then I'll make fun of you >:3

Gaymer kid: ... Not gonna happen

Kuroo put down his phone and looked at his ceiling. He was just thinking about how good life's been the last couple months. He found his soulmate almost immediately and they were able to just jump into being a couple. Kuroo knew fate couldn't control emotions. Just like emotions couldn't control fate. He remembers how much he used to hope Kenma was his soulmate. He felt so strongly about him and he knew it wasn't probable. Kenma eventually broke them apart because he knew he couldn't keep pretending he loved Kuroo like that. He loved him, just not in the same ways. It hurt Kuroo for a long time. And even though it felt like an eternity it was merely a couple years ago.

He doesn't feel that way anymore but he knew how much it hurt and he's grateful he didn't have to deal with it again. Bokuto wasn't just a rebound and he despises the idea of it. He really likes Bokuto, and he thinks he might even love him. It kinda scared him at first. But he's so happy right now that he doesn't even want to think of life before Bokuto. He felt a wave of excitement and giddiness. By now he's memorized the way Bokuto's feelings invade his body like a fire, burning fast and big. He smiled and looks to his lower left leg. He knew other people thought it was ridiculous that Bokuto's writing stays on so long after he's cleaned it off, but Kuroo thought it was adorable how strongly Bokuto always felt. He smiled while he read Bokuto's messy hand writing.

Bro the new ice age movie comes out today! We should totally go see it!

He reached for a pen and started to write his response.

Omg yes, what time?

Bokuto responded with,

Does 6 work for you? We could grab something to eat before we watch the movie!

Kuroo smiled feeling Bokuto's excitement. He wrote back,

Totally. Let's meet at the mall so we're by the movie theater, and we can meet up at like 5

Bokuto responded immediately with a smiley face as the ending to their conversation.

Sounds like a date :)

Kuroo smiled at his leg before staring at the ceiling again wondering what he could have done to deserve this happiness.

It was around 4:40 and Kuroo was on his way out of his mom's house. He was excited to see the new movie with Bokuto. He texted him and told him he was on his way.

He arrived at the mall around 5 and looked around for Bokuto, soon spotting him because of his silver owl hair due. He decided to sneak up on him.

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