Chapter 15: What Did I Ever Do To You?

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As I was walking towards him,I saw an ice cream cart across the street.

Well,what can go wrong? Ice cream makes everyone feel better.

I decided to buy one.

"An ice cream cone please",I smiled and handed the vendor the money.

"Here you go miss."

God,it looked so good.

I can't believe I'm actually buying ice cream for that jerk!

"Thank you". I took it carefully and turned back to the car Jayson was leaning on.

When I was at least three feet away from him,I hid the cone behind me.

What do I even say first? Hi? Hello?

After debating with myself,I cleared my throat. He didn't hear.

I did it again,louder this time.

Still no response.

"Hey, excuse me."

Is the music or whatever he's listening to that loud?

"Hello. Excuse me", I said again,louder than the first time.

He raised his head and looked in my direction.


"Um, what do you want?"

So rude!

I breathed in and exhaled.

"Hi,I'm Kayra."

"I know who you are. What do you want?"

Relax Kayra

"I'm supposed to be your partner for the biology project"

"Yeah so?"

The impudence!!

What do I even say next?

"I know you don't like me but....."

"Can you hurry up. You're wasting my time." He interrupted

Patience Kayra, patience.

"Look, I just came to apologise because I really need you to be my partner. So I'm sorry for the whole water incident",I said with a little bit of uncertainty in my voice.

He stared at me with no emotion whatsoever and I didn't know whether I should continue speaking or not.

The ice cream I was holding behind me started to melt and a drop trickled down my finger. That's when I realized why I bought it in the first place.

I carefully stretched my right hand,with the cone in it and put on my fakest smile ever because obviously smiling was the last thing I wanted to do in this situation.

"Will you please work with me on our project?" I asked, almost begging him.

He took one glance at the now almost half melted ice cream in my hand and then looked back into my face.

Please accept it. Please accept it

After what seemed like an hour of him staring and me smiling nervously,he finally took the cone and I felt a wave of relief.

I guess I rejoiced too soon because the next thing I knew,ice cream was streaming down my hair.

He really has a habit of dumping things on people, doesn't he?

"I'm never working with you, Summers." Even though he said it calmly,I could sense a bit of scorn in it.

Then he walked away leaving me gaping like a fish.

At least,he knows my name now. That's a good thing,right?


"So you're telling me he didn't accept your apology?" I was currently talking to Stephanie on the phone, telling her what happened like I promised.

"What did you expect Steph? I told you he was an asshole. And to think I bought ice cream for him?"

"You did what?!"

Oops,did I say that out loud?

"Kay?" So she was waiting for me to reply

"Alright,yes. It was part of the apology but that jerk just dropped the whole thing on my head."

"He did what?!" She was laughing now

"Yes,he did the same thing he did with the soda the other day."

"So what did you do?"

"What could I do? At that moment,my ability to speak just vanished."

She continued to laugh,like she always does.

"Steph,stop laughing."

"Okay okay,so what are you going to do? You know, about the project?"

"I don't know. Steph,I don't know",I sighed exasperatedly.

"I'm sure we'll figure something out. Don't worry"

"Thanks baby"

"So about the party?"

"I haven't asked my parents yet. I plan to ask them during supper"

"Oh okay"

"Speaking of supper,my mom is calling me,I think the table is set."

"Okay,I'll talk to you later. All the best"

"Thanks. Bye"

I hung up and joined my family downstairs.

I was waiting for the right time to ask them. Today,both my mom and dad were present for supper so it's really going to be difficult getting them to agree to me going to a highschool party.

I finished my food quickly and set my fork down. My parents were still eating.

"Kayra, you've finished your food pretty fast today. Were you that hungry?" My mom asked.

Here it goes.

"Mom,Dad,I want to ask you something."

This time it was my dad who spoke,"Kayra,is anything wrong?"

"No,no dad. It's just,one of my school mates is throwing a party on Friday and I want to go",I hesitated a little, perhaps to say a little prayer,and added,"please."

"A party?"

"Yes Dad". I was quick to add,"I won't do anything stupid. I promise."

There was silence for a minute and then he spoke up, "You're not going."

"Huh? But Dad...."

"No buts. You're not going to that party."

"Please dad. You and Mom never let me go anywhere. It's just a party. I'll be back home at whatever time you wish. Please Dad,let me go",I tried to persuade him.

"Kay,I said you are not going to the party."

"Mom, please say something",I turned to her. Maybe if she agrees, he'll listen to her.

But she was on his side,"Kayra, your dad's right. I don't think it will be a good idea for you to go to that party."

"Mom,you too? Why? Why can't I go?"

"You are not going to the party and that's final. Now clean up and go to your room",my dad ordered.

Why do I have such parents? I'm seventeen for God's sake,why are they still treating me like a freaking nine year old?!



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Stay safe

- Jess💖

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