Chapter 40: You Talk In Your Sleep

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In case you're confused,this is somewhere mid-October so it's fall season.



I woke up the next morning with a shirtless body in the same bed and an arm around my torso and it was certainly not mine.

Where am I?

It took me a minute for my eyes to adjust to the bright morning rays filling the room and for me to realize where I was?

I fell asleep in Jayson's bed last night!!

Wait, nothing happened right? No,I don't think so.

I gently took Jayson's hand off my body and started to get out of the bed. But he stirred and his eyes opened a bit but you could tell he was still sleepy

"Where are you going to?" He muttered

God,his morning voice is sexy

"I'm going home."


"Because this isn't my house and my parents will be home in a few hours."

At this point,he was more awake,if that makes sense.

"Don't you wanna at least have breakfast or something?"

"My toothbrush isn't here."

"I have an extra."

"Thanks but I need to clean up my house a bit before my parents come back and I've already overslept so I can't waste any more time."

"Oh okay,I understand. I'll see you to the front door then."

He pulled off the blanket and got out of the bed. His abs were really well defined and I didn't know whether it was the sunlight or because I hadn't washed my face but his chest area was glistening and he looked like a god.


"Your flip flops are over there." He said pointed to a corner. That was when I realized I was more or less ogling him. I really hope he didn't notice because that would be so embarrassing.

I wore my slippers and left the room. He followed me without bothering to put on a shirt.

"I'll text you when I'm free",I said when we were outside,"and thanks for the popcorn."

"Sure",he smiled. I still have to get used to him smiling at me. I'm so used to his straight face.

"Um,I wanted to ask you something",he said

"Okay. What's up?"

"Would you like to go out with me?"

"You mean,on a date"

He hesitated a bit,"Yes,on a date."

"Jayson,I would love to"

"Great. How does tomorrow afternoon sound?"

"Tomorrow's perfect. Anytime after church. I'll just let my parents know"


"See ya",I pecked his cheek and just as I was about to jog across the street to my house,he said,"Oh and Kayra"

I turned

"You talk in your sleep"he disclosed and I froze. He laughed when he saw my mood change and went went into his house.


I was in the living room the next day watching TV to while away time. My date would be here in 15 minutes and I have nothing doing until then so here I am, watching SpongeBob.

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