Chapter 21: He Plays Basketball?!

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After we finished eating, I thought that was the end of it and we were going home so it caught me by surprise when Mrs Bradshaw said,"Kayra, since you'll have nothing to do while we grown-ups talk and attend to matters, why don't you go up to Jayson's room. He's upstairs. You guys can talk and hang out so you won't be bored."

Is she kidding me right now?

"Um no thanks,I'm good here"

"No I insist. We don't want to bore you."

"Yes,Kayra, I think it will be good too. He's your classmate right? I don't think there's a problem." My mom supported her.

Why did I even say that he was in my class out loud?!

I didn't want to disagree or argue with them to come off as disrespectful so I succumbed.


"Great. His room is on the left. First one."

I know which one his room is. Not like I've been spying on him or anything when he's in his bedroom but it's just right opposite mine. How can I not notice his irregular movements?

I nodded and started making my way slowly up the stairs. What if I'm not welcome in his room? What if he sends me out? Okay,he can't,his mom sent me  there so he can't send me out, right?

I got to his bedroom and it was opened just a little bit. I knocked and I heard him say come in so I entered. He was lifting some weights. He was shirtless,and it showed his really muscular body.

"What are you doing here?!" He demanded and I realized I was literally gawking at him

"Um...."I stuttered

"I said what are you doing in my room?!"
He was pissed.

"Um, your mom sent me here to while away time."

He cooled down a little bit but I couldn't still see a bit of annoyance in his eyes.

"Oh really".

I nodded, clearly I was afraid.

"Fine then, you can have the room to yourself,I'm leaving. Don't touch my stuff." With that, he grabbed a shirt,his jacket,his keys and his helmet and made to leave.

"Wait!" I found myself saying.

He stopped and looked at me so I continued,"I wanted to use this opportunity to talk about the biology project."

He cut me off,"I'm not talking about that right now." Then he left without another word


I scanned his room and he really had cool stuff. There was a shelf with awards, probably from basketball. I didn't know he played sports. Heck,no one in North hills would have ever thought Jayson Bradshaw plays basketball. His life was so undercover and so mysterious. How does he even manage? I confirmed my basketball suspicion when I saw a jersey with "BRADSHAW" spelt across the back with a big number "9". But how come he plays,or used to play and no one knows about it or speaks about it? Well,that's something to find out another day.

"Kay,what are you even saying? Do you think you'll get this opportunity again?" I laughed at myself

There was a PlayStation and video games in his room and a sound system, which I guess he uses to blast music once in a while. He doesn't play music often but when he does,it's really loud and I hear it all the way from my room. I was surprised when I noticed shelves of books beside his bed.

He reads?!

Okay I am really surprised. I walked over to the books and I took one. Yes,I know he said I shouldn't touch his stuff and he'll probably rip my head off if he catches me or finds out but who cares? I'm not afraid of him.

I looked at the cover of the book,"Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte. I've read it,I love it. There was also "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte,"Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen, Shakespeare's "Macbeth" and many other great books. I had read all. Yes,I admit,I'm kind of a bookworm even though I hate school. But reading novels is not the same as reading school books,at least that's what I think.

I noticed "Jack of Shadows",the book he took from me that day in the library on his study desk and I smiled.

Why did I smile? I don't know but I just did. After today, I know there's more to the bad boy than what everyone thinks. There's another side to Jayson Bradshaw that I think I might like.

What the hell am I saying?!

My thoughts were distracted when I heard someone call me from downstairs. I guess they're done 'attending to grown-up matters'.

I put the book back on the table and looked round to see if I had placed anything where it's not supposed to be and left but not without closing the door completely, even though I didn't meet it that way when I entered.

Downstairs,my parents were ready to leave. My dad and his boss were exchanging goodnights and it appeared my mom and Mrs Bradshaw had become best of friends.

"Oh Kayra. You're down. Shall we go home now?"

"Yeah sure."

The Bradshaws walked us to the door.

"Thank you for inviting us. We had a lovely evening. And thanks again for the promotion",my dad said and they smiled.

"You're welcome. Oh I don't see your car,you didn't bring it?"

"We live just across the street so there was no need."

"Oh wow". They were surprised and amused too. "That's nice. So we're more or less like neighbors."

"That's right."

"Nice nice. Well okay then, good night. Enjoy the rest of your evening."

"Thank you"


Immediately I got to my room,I kicked off my flats and threw myself on my bed.

Thank God nothing went wrong this evening.

Suddenly I remembered what happened this morning and that I was grounded and I had no car or laptop.

The coming month is going to be hell!


Heyyyyyy everyone. Thank you for reading this far. And thank you for 1k reads!!!!! I'm so so happy.

And a little bit has been revealed about Jayson, would you have guessed he plays basketball? Well,there's a lot more to the mysterious bad boy that will be revealed along the way

Please continue to vote and comment and share if you love the story as much as I do😁

This chapter is dedicated to Jerrine_12 for all the votes and support. I'm really grateful ❤️

Thanks for reading


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