Chapter 17: Kayra and Vodka? Not a Good Idea

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When we got to Britney's house, or should I say mansion, the lawn was strewn with teenagers. Some holding drinking cups,some making out and some just talking and enjoying the music which was blasting full volume from inside.

My first ever high school party. I feel so supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!!

What? It's a word.

Gale found a parking spot which was way down the street because other's had already occupied the spaces closer to Britney's house so we had to walk a little.

As soon as I entered the house,a wave of alcohol stench hit me.

I sure hope I don't end up drinking tonight. Just the thought of what I've seen other people do when drunk made me shudder.

The living room which had been made shift to a dancefloor was humongous. There was a chandelier and fancy lights,a bar and couches which had been pushed to the walls to create space in the middle. The many flights of staircases made me wonder how many rooms were up there and I was pretty sure there was a pool somewhere. People are really living large these days.

"So Kayra,this is a high school party",Gale shouted to me on top of the loud music.

"I see",I shouted back

"Let's go find Steph",he shouted again and I nodded.

I scanned the room and spotted her with a group of girls.

We manouvered our way through the throng of dancing bodies and when I got to her,her back was facing me.

I tapped her shoulder and put on a huge grin.

She screamed when she saw me and we hugged.

"Kayra,you made it!"

"I sure did",I flipped my hair back for dramatic effect.

"You naughty little heifer"

"Oh well",we both laughed.

"Looking good",she checked me out

"As always",I bluffed,"you don't look bad yourself Steph"

"Of course I don't", this time,she flipped her hair.

Gale cleared his throat,as usual, he wants attention.

"Oh hey babe",she kissed him and he kissed back.

It seemed like they didn't want to stop so I intervened before I started to gag, "Okay okay that's enough. You two are gross"

"Haha, you're just jealous", Steph remarked.


"Okay you guys do what you want to do,I'll go join my guys, he said and grabbed a cup from a tray a brunette happened to be passing with before leaving. I'm ninety percent sure that was alcoholic.

"So now that you're here, let's party!!" She screamed and we bounced into party mode

All the hit songs were played and people danced or sang along or both.

I was getting tired of just jumping and moving my body and so I was grateful when Stephanie offered we got something to drink.

"Hey Kayra",I heard someone shout as soon as we got to the bar.

I turned and saw Kingsley a few meters away.

"Oh hey Kingsley. What's up?" He had gotten to me by then.

"Just enjoying the party"

"Oh nice. Cool outfit",I complimented

"Thanks, you look great too."

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