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My instagram id : blog_angelprincess24 . Please follow me on instagram for all the updates about my novels.



We were walking on the streets of Spain, with our fingers entangled with each other, when suddenly my fairy stopped walking and looked at something carefully. I followed her gaze to find that she was looking at a man, who was standing on the opposite side of the street and looked like he was in his late twenties. I don't know why, but I felt a sting in my heart, when I watched her looking at some other man. Who was he? Does she know him? If yes, then how?

The man looked up in our direction and his eyes immediately widened in excitement. A smile slowly crawled on his lips, as he kept watching my fairy, before crossing the road and coming to our side.

"Sophia! Is that you?" He asked my baby girl, standing in front of us. She immediately nodded her head in agreement, and I could see her eyes were filled with excitement when she looked at the man,
"Yes, Ansh. It's me. Where have you been? We haven't met since a long time," she said and the man immediately hugged her tightly, making     my jaw clenched and my hands turned into fists. Someone ask him to stay away from my fairy, or I will beat the shit out of him. I don't like any man touching or looking at my baby girl.

I immediately pulled Sophia back, releasing her from that man's arms and possessively wrapped my arm around her waist, bringing her closer to me. She looked at me with a puzzled face, but I decided to ignore her reaction.

"Yes. I know. But it was not me, it was you who was damn busy in her studies. By the way how are you? What are you doing these days?" He asked her.

She smiled widely at him, showing her perfect white teeth. Why is she smiling for him? I am the only one who can make her smile with my amazing pranks. A sudden rush of jealousy spread in my entire body. I felt like dragging her away from this man, but somehow I controlled myself as I didn't want to scare her.

"Umm. I am fine, Ansh. And also sorry. I was quite busy pursuing my MBBS degree. So never had the time to go out for a reunion," she replied to him.

Why is she apologizing? It is not her fault. And I am glad that she never had time for this dumbass idiot.

"Oh. No need to apologise Sophi. You were just trying to fulfill your dream, which you had dreamt since your childhood. And I am glad that you have finally fulfilled your dream. I am proud of you, Sophi." He told her.

"Oh thank you for understanding. You are the same Ansh with whom I used to share all my problems and who kept advising me at each and every step of my life. You haven't changed even a bit. Still charming as before. What do you do these days?" She told him.

Charming? My foot! He doesn't look charming at all. He looks like a jerk.

"I have done my masters in business administration and I am currently working for a multinational company in Spain. How are you here in Spain?" He asked her.

For a minute, there was an uncomfortable silence between us, when she finally replied,
"I... umm.. I am here... in Spain...," she tried to speak but failed miserably.

I knew she was quite unsure of what to say. She just can't tell him that she was kidnapped and brought to Spain by me. So I decided to help her,
"With me. She is here with me. We are on a vacation. Do you have any problem with it?" I told him coldly.

Sophia looked up at me, giving me a stern glare, but right now I just want this man out of my sight.

"And may I know who are you?" He asked me.

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