33. Torment

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When I got back to my room, I had a quick shower, washing off all makeup and any other traces from the night before. I dressed myself in some casual clothes and glanced at myself in the mirror, making sure my outfit was okay. As I looked at my reflection, my gaze drifted up to my face. There seemed to be a permanent smile on my face, and my eyes were bright. I may have been hungover, but I felt bloody good. I was a little sore, and tired, but I was happy. Genuinely happy. I hadn't felt like that in a while. 

I left my room and went to Ellie's, preparing myself for the bombardment of questions I was about to receive. I took a deep breath as I knocked.

Ellie answered immediately, the widest grin on her face. "Well, look who it is."

I rolled my eyes but I was holding back a smile. "Yeah, yeah. Where's Sam?"

"Already gone to breakfast." Ellie stepped out of the room, shutting the door behind her. "I didn't tell him about you and Joseph. All he knows is that everyone thinks you slept in our room last night." We began to walk to the lift. "He kept asking where you really were, but I swear I didn't tell him. But, Ana..." she grimaced slightly as we stopped by the lift and I pressed the button. "He probably guessed. Most people did from the way you two were dancing together."

I sighed, and we stepped into the lift. "I know. Not subtle."

Ellie shook her head. "Not at all." Then a cheeky smile curled on her lips. "So? I need to know everything."

"Well..." Where to even begin? "After everyone kinda went off in groups, it was just Joseph and me. He walked me back to my room, and then he went back to his, and I thought that was it." I got butterflies just recounting the story to Ellie. "But I was like, 'no way, screw it', and I went to his room." My lips tilted up in a smile. "And then he kissed me. And, well, yeah. We slept together."

Ellie gave a quiet shriek as we arrived at the bottom floor. "Oh my god, I can't believe it. You had sex with Joseph!"

"Ellie!" I said urgently, looking around me in panic. Luckily, there was no one in earshot who I knew.

Ellie shut her mouth and grinned guiltily. "Sorry. I just couldn't help myself."

I shook my head at her. "We can squeal about it all another time. But not now. Not here."

She nodded as we stepped into the hotel restaurant, scanning the room for Alice and her family. I saw them and Alice waved us over, grinning.

"You're chipper," I commented as I sat down next to her, Ellie putting herself opposite me.

"I am. And you..." Alice gave me a suspicious look. "Have been very elusive this morning."

Ellie and I exchanged a brief glance, and I said casually, "Well, you know, I'm not a morning person."

"Me neither. It is far too early for this," Ellie said, yawning and pouring herself a glass of water. "I mean, really. Who gets up at eight-thirty after a wedding? Not me."

"How did you even end up in Ellie's room last night?" Alice asked, taking a bite of a croissant. Her parents were sat at the other end of the table, chatting to each other and not listening to us.

I pressed my lips together. I wasn't sure what Ellie had told Alice, but I had to be careful with what I said next. "Uh... I don't even know, really. We were all just having a good time together and ended up in Ellie's room. Then I just crashed there."

Out of the corner of my eye, Ellie gave me a very subtle nod.

Alice wrinkled her nose. "I would not have liked to be sharing a room with Ellie and Sam. Who knows what they got up to while you were asleep."

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