Year 6-2 | Liquid Luck

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When Hermione and I walked into class with a few other Gryffindor students, Draco didn't even look at me. He was staring into the ground with an extremely sad expression. He wasn't joking around with his friends like usual. It looked like his entire happiness left him.

"He seems a bit different doesn't he?" Hermione whispered.



"Oh, yeah he does"

"Good morning everyone!" Professor Slughorn said from the front of the class. In front of him were three cauldrons of potions. One was sort of golden, Veritaserum, one that Dumbledore used on Barty Crouch Jr. The other I recognized right away from our second year, poly juice potion. The last one was glowing pink, amortentia.

"Now in front of me are three different potions. Remember, attention to the detail in prerequisite of all planning" Professor Slughorn continued. However, our attention was drawn to the entrance of the classroom where Harry and Ron walked in. I didn't expect them to be taking this class because of their low scores on their O.W.Ls.

"Ah, Harry my boy, I was beginning to worry! You brought someone with us I see" Professor Slughorn greeted turning to face him.

"Ron Weasley sir. But I'm dreadful at Potions. A menace actually, so I'm probably just gonna-"

"Nonsense! We'll sort you out. Any friend of Harry is a friend of mine. Get your books out" Professor Slughorn interrupted Ron motioning the two to come join the class.

"Sorry sir, I haven't actually got my book yet. And nor has Ron" Harry quickly replied. They weren't planning on taking this class, seeing that Slughorn was waiting for Harry to come shows he just wanted him because he was the chosen one.

"Don't worry, get what you want from the cupboard. Now as I was saying, any ideas what these might be?" Professor Slughorn asked as Harry and Ron walked towards the cupboard together. Hermione and I both raised our hands together, potions was something I was always good at.

"Ah, Miss Clermont! I didn't realize you were here, would you like to answer?" He said motioning me to come forward towards the three different potions.

"This one is called Veritaserum, the truth telling serum and-" I paused watching Harry and Ron fight for a book near the cupboard.

"Yes?" Professor Slughorn raised his eyebrows smiling waiting for me to answer.

"...This one is the poly juice potion. It allows the drinker to look identical to anyone with a piece of their hair. It's terribly tricky to make" I continued as Harry and Ron made their way towards the crowd of students.

"...And this one's Amortentia. The most powerful love potion in the world. It's rumored to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them. For example, for me it smells like... The forest.. Fresh parchment and broomstick wax"

"Very well Miss Clermont, now Amortentia doesn't create actual love. That would be impossible but it does cause powerful infatuation or obsession. And for that reason, it is probably the most dangerous potion in this room. Why don't you all take a quick whiff of it?" Almost immediately as Profesor Slughorn finished his sentence, a bunch of students came rushing up towards the amortentia eager to find out what theirs smelled like, even Draco.

"Spearmint toothpaste-" Hermione whispered to herself coming up beside me. Spearmint toothpaste, that's what Ron smells like. Broom wax, it was obviously Harry. It doesn't surprise me at all, I am attracted to Harry.

"Sir, you didn't tell us what's in that one" Katie Bell said pointing at a small vial as all the students backed up once again.

"Ah, yes. What you see before you ladies and gentlemen, is a curious little potion known as Felix Felicis. It is more commonly referred to-"

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