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i apologize for my late update;; i'm failing all my classes so i got behind on extra chapters FJDJDJ it's not really an excuse bc i have responsibilities as an author and i'm sucky bUT ITS ALL OK BC IM UPDATING NOW <333

thanks for 100k i genuinely love u 👍


"AAAAAAHHHH" you waved your arms all around as you ran down the middle of the street kuroo and kenma lived on SCREAMING YOUR HEART OUT.

kuroo, as he said he would, zipped out of his house and snatched u up in his arms bridal style 😎😎 and dropped you

"oW!" you screamed even louder than your previous screams.

"oH CRAP R U GOOD FJDJDJ" he asked but then he started keyboard spamming and you became worried for him instead of yourself.

"nO U IDIOT IM BROKEN" all your bones were broken 😞

"hey. i know i saw you the other day but oh man you're so cute" kuroo said with that smirk you know the one lol

".. thanks..," you said with a nErVoUs smile.


u looked at him like 🙀🙀🙀 but he got up as if he didn't just jump out of his bedroom window which was on the second floor.

he walked over with his switch light (WHICH WAS GREEN) and then hit you on the head with it.

"hI kEnMa-cHaN" you said with a weird voice and stood up with a smile 😻😹


"are you here to live with me forever?" he asked seriously as kuroo stepped into the background because he wasn't getting any dialogue anyway.

"no.. i have school monday morning lol" you said and even tho u said lol ur face was like

"don't you go to school with akaashi? u should live with him and then you can carpool." kenma said. he was playing mario cart 8 bc author-chan doesn't play on her switch and doesn't know what games she has except for animal crossing and mario cart 8.

"omg i've always wanted to carpool." you were now excited to barge into one of your many setter friends houses. "do you know where he lives?"

"nope." said the pudding boyo. he wasn't paying attention so who knows if he actually does know akaashi's address lmao

kuroo stepped into the conversation because he finally had a purpose for this scene, "i can take you to big ass man's house."

"good idea!" you snapped your fingers at the six foot tall dude who was kinda intimidating you but you weren't acknowledging it 😿😾👏

just then some short but devilishly handsome dude named yaku morisuke and some really yummy looking man with sexy ears named kai nobuyuki came running down the street at an alarmingly fast pace.

they crashed into you and you were sent flying backwards at the collision. "AAAAHHH" you screamed for the second time that night.

"ellos son mis amigos cómicos!!" you screamed bc it's in spanish 1 and you remembered it all of the sudden.

"WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN?!" the short sandy haired yaku screamed as you rolled down the street with kai.

"IT MEANS THEY ARE MY FUNNY FRIENDS !" you said really loud again.

"please stop yelling." kai said, "you could wake up shouhei."

"isn't fukunaga coming, though?" yaku asked for clarification.

"yes, but he should be sleeping." kai's mothering nature regarding shouhei fukunaga was the cutest thing on the entire earth— bUT ALSO ‼️‼️ YAKU'S THE MOM OF THE GROUP KAI GET UR OWN AESTHETIC ‼️‼️

"oh rlly!! i've never really talked to him before." you pointed out as you came to a slow stop at the end of the street.

it seemed kuroo and kenma did not follow you as you were rolling and instead decided to sit on the curb and wait for everyone in the nekoma high school volleyball club to come and meet the loves of their life.

that seems like a very extreme sentence 👁👄👁 bjt that doesn't make it any less true for all the nine boys of this club have become super fond of you— i mean except shibayama cuz he wasn't active in the first couple group chat spams.

but he'll come to love you and your insane beauty as well uwu

anyway a short while later all of nekoma came and you were meeting everyone for the first time.

author-chan is forcing you to be a typical girl who grew up in japan so you are complying yourself to simple and basic japanese manners. which means even though you really wanted to you weren't going to hug inouka 😿😿😠

you really wanted to climb on lev also but that's for another day 😾

you met fukunaga and yamamoto but both mans didn't talk to you the entire time and you were kind of sad but you understood. you were too much of a baddie for our boys who were both to nervous (one tOo HuMbLe) to speak to you 😎😎😎

ofc that didn't stop you from wanting to talk to them and actually meet them :((

shibayama, inouka, and lev were super talkative and they really did make you feel like you belonged with them. INOUKA EVEN CALLED U SENPAI AND MADE UR NOSE BLEED AND YAKU AND KAI WERE WORRIED ABT U

pls anyways

you had a wonderful time and eventually all of you fell asleep in the middle of the street. tho u woke up bc someone coming home late at night was honking their horns at you :)

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