4 - Slim and Hot

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"So Dad is cheating on Mom." Finally, I muster the courage to acknowledge this truth to myself and my brother.

After storming out on the argumentative lady, we retreated to our separate rooms. But now, out of nowhere, Daniel jumps onto my bed beside me, interrupting my feeble attempt at reading. My mind can't help but replay our father's words over and over again.

"She's my woman," he had declared. His woman. Then what is Mom?

"Yes, but that's not the only point to consider, little sister," Daniel says, his tone brimming with contemplation.

I shift my attention to him, knitting my brows slightly as I meet his gaze. He holds my clueless stare, his eyes filled with thoughts.

"Did you see her?" he asks, disbelief evident in his voice. I know exactly who he's referring to, but I'm unsure about the angle of his inquiry. "She's hot!"

"No. You did not just say that. You did not just refer to Dad's... mistress as 'hot'!" I sneer.

"What? I'm not lying!" he insists. "Seriously, did you see her? She's incredibly slim and attractive."

A furrow forms on my forehead. "Slim? She's not slim."

"Are you blind? Well, I guess you were too caught up in the moment to notice 'Lollipop'," he snickers, using air quotes around the word, and bursts into laughter. I join in.

"She called herself 'Lollipop'?" Daniel says between fits of laughter, wiping tears from his eyes with the back of his hand. Despite having spent a long time in Canada, our command of pidgin English remains top-notch.

"Please stop it. It's not funny," I manage to say through my wide smile.

"Yeah, I can see you're not laughing," he retorts, rolling his eyes. After a moment, he adds, "I swear, you're so dirty. You had to tell her that she doesn't have a... I can't even say it."

"Omo! I never knew I'd witness such things in Lagos," he says, wiping away tears with the back of his hand. Despite our prolonged stay in Canada, our command of pidgin English remains top-notch.

Finally regaining control of my laughter, I ask, "How do you think Mom is handling all of this?"

"Like any other married woman who has a mistress in her own house," he states matter-of-factly. "But you know your mother, she operates on a whole different level. Even after pouring a hot cup of tea on Lollipop's chest, she managed to maintain her innocence."

"Tell me about it. And Jesus! What's your fascination with... Dude! Were you ogling Dad's mistress?" I ask in disbelief, crossing my arms.

"Are you blind?" he retorts.

"No, really. Because you keep going on and on about how hot she is, and her chest, and how slim she is—"

"Because she is! And I think you get my point," he says, his face softening. Surprisingly, my brows raise in surprise before furrowing in a frown.

"And what exactly is that supposed to mean?" I know exactly what it means, but please, Daniel, don't say it. Please.

"You know," he begins, "if you continue like this, you won't achieve much in life." The finality in his voice sends a shiver down my spine.

"You don't know that, and I refuse to have this... conversation with you," I snap, waving my hand dismissively.

But the 's' in our surname stands for 'stubborn,' so it comes as no surprise that he remains undeterred.

"Suit yourself. Just so you know, with that attitude and low self-esteem, you won't become a successful disc jockey. Not every day is a lockdown, and Zoom won't get you far."

"Oh, thank you for the impromptu counseling session. I didn't ask for it!" I retort, whirling around to face him, my eyes bloodshot.

He sighs. "Tiwa—"

"It was fun having you here, but you've overstayed your welcome. Please use the door," I cut him off, turning my back to him.

As I hear the door close, I release a breath I didn't even realize I was holding, and my shoulders tremble.

But wait, was 'Lollipop' really slim? I had been too consumed by the undeniable fact that Dad brought another woman home to truly observe her.

Even if she is slim, what do men truly desire?

Mom isn't fat; she's pleasantly plump. I inherited my chocolate skin from her, but missed out on her curves. She possesses an exquisite hourglass figure, a shapely derriere, and beautifully ample breasts. So why would Dad betray her with a slender girl who's been saddled with disproportionately large breasts?

Ahn ahn! Omo! This life truly lacks balance.

With newfound determination, I swing open my bedroom door and step into the hallway.

Perhaps I can steal a quick glimpse of Lollipop and see for myself.

"Make sure you tell Daniel to prepare the guest room."

My feet halt upon hearing my father's voice. I'm standing just outside my parents' room. I take a step back, pressing my body against the wall, and lean towards the closed door from the side.

"She's your guest, actually!" Mom responds with firmness in her voice.

Silence follows, and my heart pounds against my chest, fearing being caught. My palms grow sweaty, and beads of perspiration form on my forehead.

"Are you jealous?" Dad questions, a mischievous undertone evident in his voice.

_Did he... no! Did Dad orchestrate all of this just to elicit a reaction from Mom? Is he using the lady downstairs as an indirect method?_

"Ahn ahn! What kind of ridiculous question is that? Eh, Segun?" Mom fires back. "You didn't even attend your daughter's graduation, only to bring a whore into our home the next day. Nkankan ni o ṣe pẹlu rẹ?" _Is something wrong with you?_

"What sort of a man are you? You bring a whore into our home, calling her 'Lollipop.' Segun!" My mother's voice carries a chiding tone.

"I never realized you could be this jealous," is all Dad can muster after Mom's outburst.

Gosh! I want to smack some sense into his head right now!

"Please, I want her out of my house this morning. Segun! Don't test me! Don't test me, oo! Nitori ti mo ba bẹrẹ pẹlu rẹ, ile yii kii yoo ni wa ninu." _Because if I start with you, this house won't be able to contain us._

"You can go back to Canada if you want, because Lollipop is not leaving this house. You can take the children with you."

"Segun, you must be out of your mind! Have you forgotten that Daniel works in Lagos?"

"And Tiwa? She got a scholarship to study in Canada, right?"

"The same Tiwa whose graduation you refused to attend," Mom accuses, and the rejection pierces my heart.

"I was busy. I will apologize to her

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