🎤What's with the eye?🎤

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A/N before story: This story is heavily inspired by John Mulaney's "The One Thing You Can't Replace", as suggested by the user I will mention at the end. I recommend you give it a watch/listen before or after the story. Now, onto the story!

"Hey, [Y/N]. Could I ask ya something, maybe a little personal?" Gandhi questioned, a innocent smile on his face.

"Sure, man, shoot! As long as it's not about my eye." You winked at him, but noticed his smile turned to a nervous one. "It's about my eye, isn't?" You sighed.

"Maybe." He replied, adjusting himself in his spot on your bed.

"Fine, fine. Ask away." You shrugged. His smile came back.

"What happened to your eye? Like, it clearly isn't like the other. It's more..." He paused for a moment, thinking of a word to describe it.

"Fake? Glass-like?" You guessed.

"Yeah! Why is that?" Gandhi gave you a pondering look.

"Well..." You thought.

"Oooooh! A flashback, sick!" Gandhi exclaimed.

"It all started at one of JFK's parties." You began.

~Flashback, flashback, flashback~

JFK's basement, one summer night, and underage drinking is the life of the party.

"WOOOOHOOOO!!" A drunken teen hollered, slamming his body into JFK's pool table, breaking it on impact.

Everyone roared with laughter, even including JFK, despite him now having to have to explain to his dads why the pool table was in two. Everything seemed fine and dandy, and you stood with a red solo cup, half filled with beer. To be completely honest, you were a little more than tipsy at this point. Maybe even more than drunk, you weren't really fully there.

At the top of the steps, you could slightly hear someone say something. Something to do with...police?

"Ha! Fuck the police" You thought. "Heeey! That's funny!"

"FUCK THE POLICE!" You shouted. Suddenly, others joined you.

"FUCK THE POLICE!" Many other teens shouted in unity, confidence through the room. Everyone was laughing and shouting, until some realized the situation.

"Oh, er uh, shit!" JFK yelled.

A police officer came down the stairs, and stared at the many teens, with drinks in hand, staring back at him like a deer in headlights. He slowly grabbed for his walkie-talkie, and called for backup.

Julius Caesar was quick to action, he took a bottle of beer, and smashed it. He yelled, "SCATTER!", and everyone went in different directions, running for their lives.

You made your way into the laundry room, only a couple of others behind you, and went out through the small window the lead to the backyard. You ran and ran, until a fence was clearly ahead of you.

"I've never climbed a fence that high before." You tried to reason with yourself, but instinct kicked it, and the last thing you remembered was the fence and sudden pain in your face.


"Woah, that's so sick! So, you lost it while running from the cops?" Gandhi was absolutely beaming. You laughed.

"Well, when you say it like that, it sounds a lot less stupid. But, yeah, that's what happened. My parents were really mad at me, and I got this eye a bit after." You recalled.

"Ooooh, so that's why you wore an eyepatch. I thought you were, like, planning on becoming a pirate." He shrugged.

"Pffft, you're such an idiot!" You chuckled, playfully punching him on the shoulder, gaining a laugh from him.
A/N: Gandhi x Reader w/ suggestion (thank you btw! Helps a lot with writing!) by @WolfStarr22. I hope you enjoyed, this was actually pretty fun to write! I know some things aren't exactly the same as the referenced material, but I wanted to make it sound fitting to the Clone High universe. :]

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