Chapter 17

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We sat down at this quaint establishment. It was a medium-sized building and aesthetically pleasing. It seemed to have old-fashion touches, but at the same time was very youthful looking and populated with a lot of youthful-looking individuals. This place was absolutely adorable and smelled so delicious—a perfect combination of savory and sweets.

"Hallo, hoe kan ik u helpen?" Oh... I have no idea what he's saying. It kind of sounds like he is asking for help?

"I'm sorry, sir, I don't understand. Do you perhaps know any English?" He smiled and nodded.

"Of course, we get a lot of English speaking tourists. I asked, how can I help you" Okay, so I was close.

"Yes. I'd like your classic brunch combo, and water, please" I looked up to Hope. She turned towards our server with a smile.

"I'll take the same thing. Thank you." I grabbed both of our menus and handed them to our server, relaying a thank you as well.

Surprisingly the food didn't take too long to arrive. My mouth was watering by the sweet and savory smell of the food. I look up to Hope to find her staring almost lovingly at her food. I just let out a small laugh.

"What's so funny?" She looked up at me questioningly.

"You are just looking at your food as if you adore it." She just rolled her eyes.

"Of course, I am. It looks and smells delicious." We both made sounds of satisfaction from our first bite. Absolutely delectable.

"How are you ladies doing?" I had a mouth full of food. I swear servers always come to ask questions right when you've taken a bite.

"It's delicious," I mumbled out as I swallowed the last bit of food in my mouth. I look over to Hope to see her shaking her head at me.

"Sorry, I sometimes forget that it's rude to talk with my mouth full. Honestly, amazing, thank you. Give compliments to your chef." He smiled at this.

"Will do. I'll check back up on you ladies in a little bit. Enjoy your food." He seems like a very genuine person.

"You too." I absolutely facepalmed at that moment. You too, are you serious? I heard laughter coming from Hope.

"Oh, shut it." My retort just made her laugh more.

We both ate everything on our plates. Not even a crumb was leftover. I felt very content, but not full enough to be uncomfortable.

"Here, let me get those plates out of your way. Can I interest you ladies in dessert?" Hope lit up at this.

"Yes!" She responded immediately.

"Here's our dessert menu. I'll be right back to take your order." Hope squealed in happiness and immediately started scanning the menu.

"Anything sounds good?" Hope looked up at me.

"Everything." She said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Well, whatever you get, just order an extra one for me. I'm going to use the bathroom really quickly." I rushed to the bathroom. God, I drank too much water.

Once I returned, I noticed a cute little pastry sitting right in front of my seat.

"It looks delicious. What did you get for us?" I asked as I sat down in my chair.

"They are called space cakes. They sounded super cool." I hummed at this.

"They do have a cool name. Alright, let's eat up." We practically inhaled our dessert. We loved the pastries so much we decided to get some to go.

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