𝟔. 𝐓𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐬

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        Julie's eyes widened as the lights went back up and a random student shouted at her about the band that just vanished. Her nerves kicked in, doing her best to come with an excuse when Leah, one of Carrie's friends and back-up dancers stepped forward.

"Were those holograms? And was that your sister?" Leah's echoed questions caused all the other questions to fade and Julie felt the urge to throw up wash over her. That was until her gaze swept over the projector and she went with the first thing that popped into her head.

"Yeah!" Julie pointed the mic at Leah. "They were all holograms! And the girl is actually Tesia, she's my mom's cousin who helped walk me through all of this, not my sister, just my cousin!"

For further emphasis, Julie pointed at the ceiling projector. "I hooked it up just before the rally, I'd explain it but you know, science and algorithms and again, just so we're all clear, Tesia is my cousin." She grinned wide and knew if Tessa was there she'd catch onto the lie in a heartbeat. At her answer, everyone began cheering for her and the band.

From the side of the stage, Tessa and the boys stood, watching as the crowd exploded in applause at Julie's obvious excuses but it seemed to work and no one questioned anything. Tessa herself was frowning, her arms folded loosely against her chest as she began to gnaw on the inside of her cheek. 

While she wasn't an overly anxious person or unable to adapt, so many new changes were taking place and it felt like she was beginning to trip over her feet, unable to chase as quickly as Julie seemed to be running.

"That's wild, they could see us when we were playing, but not when the music ended." Luke reached up and pulled his orange beanie from his head. 

His gaze swept to Tessa who looked deep in thought. He had a feeling if she was in her head any longer she'd start braiding and unbraiding her hair. To help, he placed his beanie carefully on top of her head, grinning as she blinked and peered up at him, her eyes widening as a worried frown morphed to a gentle smile.

Reggie mulled over Luke's words before slapping his chest. "We should double-check!" He rushed up the stairs and onto the stage before turning and wiggling his butt at everyone.

Tessa covered her mouth to keep from laughing as Alex sighed and Luke chuckled. Reggie turned and shrugged. "Yeah, they can't see us again." He grinned at his friends and joined them once more.

"I wish I couldn't see you," Alex muttered, embarrassed from his friends' actions. His gaze swept to Tessa and he blinked. "Are you wearing Luke's beanie?"

Luke's eyes widened. "Man, who cares, looks like the shows over, come on." He wrapped his arm around Reggie's and Tessa's shoulders and dragged them after the students that had been ordered to leave the gym.

Tessa threw a worried look at Julie who was being approached by Mrs. Harrison. "Go ahead," She vanished and appeared next to Julie, offering an encouraging smile.

"Mrs. Harrison, I'm so sorry for not asking for permission." Julie blurted. "I just wanted to show you I belong here." She sat on the edge of the stage, thankful Tessa was right there with her but also worried that listening to Luke might not have been the best thing.

Mrs. Harrison smiled sadly. "As amazing as that was, your spot's already been filled by another student." She gestured toward a kid who looked slightly taller than Carlos, dragging a large instrument case that was twice the size of him.

"Oh that poor thing," Tessa assumed it was the cello based on the shape and size of the case.

Julie shot her a look before scoffing. "Come on, that thing is way too big for him!" She gestured as they watched it slam down the stairs and land on the gym floor before he rolled it off.

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