𝟏𝟏. 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐞

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     "A love song?" Tessa's nose scrunched up, her dark amber gaze flickering toward her mother before settling on the song she was currently scribbling notes for.

Rose Molina let out a light laugh. "Yes, mija, a love song! You've written all sorts of songs but never taken the time to try a love song."

"I've written a love song," Tessa pointed out, rolling her eyes as her mother laughed harder at her reply. "Mama, I can't just write about something I've never experienced, it would just feel hollow." She reiterated her usual stance whenever the stubborn older Molina brought up the topic.

"You could always write me a love song!" Piper chimed, flipping through her fashion magazine as she let her toenails dry. 

The trio was tucked away in the studio as the rain poured heavily from outside. It always seemed to amaze Tessa whenever it rained, she loved the way the world looked and wished she'd seen the rain more often.

Rose shook her head as Tessa threatened to push Piper's legs from her lap. "You wrote a song for your father and me, that wasn't a love song for you, mija. And I'm sorry Piper but I don't mean a love song about friendships either." 

She offered Piper a gentle smile, knowing the girl was still slowly moving on from her crush on Tessa. Despite this, the two were as close as ever and Tessa was patient with her about it all; it made Rose proud.

"I'm talking about the love that ignites your soul, that you would cross heaven and hell just to feel, a love that leaves you burning and bright. True love." Rose smiled honestly, thinking of her husband Ray, he was her true love, she knew it in her soul and she prayed her children could find their own.

Piper had stars in her eyes but Tessa shook her head dismissively. "True love is for you and dad or Julie and Nick when they get older."

"Oh come on! Having a one true love sounds amazing, Tessa!" Piper ignored her nail polish and sat on the sofa closer to her seeing as they both shared the sofa. "I want a love that's fiery and passionate, that doesn't fizzle after a few dates, and that leaves me breathless and always wanting more."

Tessa nodded absently before softly playing a few notes on her guitar. Rose and Piper shared a look, allowing the girl to strum for a moment. After a few chords, she jotted them down before cramming the pen back into her mouth and strummed a few more.

 When she felt eyes peering at her was when Tessa sighed, already knowing what they wanted. She pulled the pen from her mouth and dropped it onto her songbook.

"I want a love that's," Tessa pondered, ignoring their growing smiles. "Safe." She shot a pointed look to Piper who groaned loudly. Ignoring her best friend she carried on, her fingers plucking softly at the chords as a soft smile graced her lips.

"I want a love that lets me know I'm home, no matter where we are or what life throws at us, knowing that I'll have someone who is safe and my home sounds perfect. Even if it's not burning or fiery, something that ignites us in quiet ways, in ways only we know."

Rose felt her eyes mist as the echoing words filled her mind. "A love like the sun, bright and warm, that appears even in the worst of storms." She hadn't realized she'd spoken out loud until she found both girls peering at her. Piper looked grossed out but Tessa looked hopeful, bobbing her head in agreement.

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