•Three Words•

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I started crying like a baby. Frowning and shaking my shoulders.

Haha! Let's see who'll be last to laugh Wavy Boy.

It doesn't take long for me to be in tears. That's the easiest task for me.

Then he stopped laughing. He's getting worried now.

Oh this is only the beginning.

"Wait, I was just joking. Please don't cry. Shhhh please." I was at the urge of laughing but I had to ace this.

Then I cried louder. Another guy appeared from the garden with a champagne glass in his hands. When he saw that I was crying he look at the wavy boy. The wavy boy looked at him back with an apologetic frown.

I pointed at him, being louder than I was. Then he walked towards him, then he grabbed him by his calla. Fear was visible in his eyes. Next thing I heard was a knuckle colliding with a jaw. My crying came to a halt.



I am now grabbing an ice pack from the refrigerator. I walk to my bedroom and there he is, sitting at the edge of my bed with an (almost broken) jaw and a nose bleed.

The unknown guy that I was pranking got beaten up.

Well not that he didn't fight back, he's got a beating but I must say,

Those muscle aren't for display though.

Next thing I was trying to pull him off the poor guy that was only trying to help.

Shame poor guys.

I feel bad because they didn't do anything to deserve this.

Shame wavy boy.

Luckily everyone was engrossed in whatever that was happening in the garden so they didn't hear nor see the fight that unraveled.

"You haven't given me your name" he says while I'm trying to slow down the bleeding. He's been looking at me ever since we got in here.

"Why do you want to know my name?" I ask raising a brow.

"I want to know who is this girl that got me beaten up" he says slightly smirking.

I chuckled. " I'm really sorry wavy boy, I was just pranking you I didn't think it would go South" I said remorsefully.

"I know. And I'm not mad at you I just want to know your name." He shrugs.

"Well my name is-" I was cut off by my mom's voice.

"Sweety! Come downstairs quickly." She yells from the living room.

"Please excuse me I'll be back in a minute" I rushed to the door before he could say anything.

When I got downstairs, my mom was conversing with Tristan's grandma, mother,

And Tristan

This is going to be awkwardddddd.

I flashed a smile their way.

"Hello darling," she pulls me in for a hug, she smell so good. "you're so grown up. Last time I saw you, I swear I could carry you but now it's like you and your mom are sisters." Tristan's grandma grinned.

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