𖣘 𝙨𝙡𝙤𝙬 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙠 𖣘

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here's a super long chapter to make up for my unmotivated absence. i would appreciate opinions on this one!! i'm not super good at writing in lengths so yknow this was fs an effort for me. i won't proofread this until tmrw so i apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes.

note before the chapter begins! i am not implying i think it is okay for minors to smoke ouid, drink alcohol, etc. it's simply something i'm writing about. that being said:

CW: drug, alcohol, nicotine use. super awkward scene as well ahhgggg a lil angst this time arnd. the beginnings of an anxiety attack.


tonight is going to be fun.

i sit up, stretching. we'd been in the car for about twenty minutes, there's been an odd smell lingering in the car since we got in, but i figured it was my slightly buzzed brain making things up. wilbur and niki climb out, followed by tommy, toby, and i.

tommy grabs my hand, and i notice tubbo turn his head suddenly. i shrug it off, pulling tommy toward the trunk to help wilbur and niki carry the beach chairs and cooler. i watch wilbur hand niki a small paper bag and smirk, "i'll race you, but don't drop the bag." he laughs, hoisting the chairs up onto his shoulder and taking off. niki turns to me, setting down the cooler and handing me the bag before running after will.

"great," i mumble. "now i'm stuck with the fragile bag. toms? T? will you get the cooler?" i ask, and the boys nod, each grabbing one side. it seems heavier than it looks to be.

we start down the path toward the beach. toby and tommy in front of me. i begin to get curious as to what's in the bag, seeing as it was a bit heavy.

i immediately regret my decision to open the bag when the lingering smell from the car floods my senses. i rustle through the bag a bit, noticing a bag of hand rolled joints, a couple packages of gummies, a couple nerds ropes, a lighter, and what looked to be either wil or niki's vape.

i knew the two vaped, they only did it in front of us because technically we were adults, they'd always create a safe space for us to do whatever we wanted. i shrug, wil had let me use his juul's often, he won't mind if i take a hit or two. i think, bringing the pen up to my mouth and take a deep inhale. i feel the slight warmth of the vapor fill my throat and i slowly begin to breathe out, i take another small one, pushing the white smoke out through my nose and shoving it back in the bag.

i immediately feel light headed, "must be the nicotine buzz.." i whisper to myself as we come out onto the beach. wil and niki seemed to have already lit the fire and set the chairs up. niki sits in a chair close to will, the other three sat not too far from theirs.

i follow tommy and toby, stepping around them as they set down the cooler. i hand the bag to wilbur, smiling gently.

he smacks niki's arm playfully, "making cassie bring it down, you lazy oaf." he jokes, causing us all to giggle.

he sets the bag down beside him, i suppose the weed is for later. i think, flopping down into my surprisingly comfy beach chair. 

wil opens the cooler, handing niki a drink.

"pick your poison cassidy." he laughs, showing me what's in the cooler.
"toss me a dos equis." i say, catching the brown bottle wil tosses to me.

you're staring. - tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now