𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀

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it had been a few weeks since the end of the road trip. toby had gone home, at his mothers request. and i had of course done nothing special. the morning was the same as always. wake up, shower, facetime tommy, make breakfast, hang up on tommy to stream. and right now i was in the process of hanging up on tommy to stream.

"what are you going to be playing today?" tommy asks, his gaze falling upon me on the camera, sitting in front of my setup and preparing my stream deck.

"just some solo stardew valley, nothing special. only for an hour or so, i'm going to be meeting up with an old friend of mine." i say, smiling down at my phone.

"an old friend?" tommy asks, his eyebrows raising.

"yeahh." i say, leaning back in my chair. "her name is sarah? we went to school together, turns out she also streams on twitch and asked if we could get together for lunch or something." i say, shrugging. i knew tommy wouldn't care, so i hadn't mentioned it prior.

"just be careful okay?" tommy says gently, giving the camera a quick smile. 

i nod, "i love you tommy." i say, reaching for my phone.

"i love you too cassidy." he returns, hanging up before i get the chance to.

i sigh, pressing a button on my stream deck and putting on the starting soon slide.

i start my stream playlist and turn off the slide, revealing myself at the stardew valley menu.

"gooooood morning lovebugs-" i begin, just as i had any other stream.

"and finally, thank you eden for the 5 month re-sub! i hope you all had fun on my stream today! we'll be raiding wilbur with all 7.5k of you! enjoy your time at his stream! goodbye loveys!" i sigh, muting my mic and waiting for the stream to carry over its viewers to wilbur. i watch as my stream automatically ends, and i get up from my chair.

i sit down on my bed for a moment, giving nessie a gentle scratch and checking my twitter. it's the usual, fanart of me, specifically tommy and i, and edits or whatever.

i sigh, answering a few dms before closing the app and bringing my knees to my chest.

i check the time, 11:30. sarah would be here to pick me up at  11:50. i sigh, pulling the outfit id already layed out to wear on. it wasn't anything too fancy, just some jeans and a t-shirt. my normal black converse as well.

i walk to my bathroom, doing my makeup and making my hair look at least decent.

when i'm finished i sit outside on my doorstep, my small backpack in my hand, as well as my phone.

i see sarah's car pull up, and i smile, letting out a wave. she smiles back, waving back and unlocking the passenger side door.

i climb in, buckling up.

"cassidy!" she squeals. "it's been so long!!" she admits, turning to me with a wide grin. i return the smile, pulling her in for a quick hug.

"sorry i didn't let you know beforehand, but this is evan, my friend. he asked to come last minute-" she says, gesturing to the blonde boy in the backseat.

"hi." he says, his voice deeper than i expect it to be. "i'm evan, sorry to crash this uhh.. date or whatever it is." he jokes, throwing a playful grin at me.

sarah and i both giggle, and she turns on the radio, setting the volume to quiet. we pull out of the driveway, evan making small talk about my career, and what i did for fun. i had a deep down bad gut feeling about him, but i decided to ignore it for the time being. he asked about what it was like being a twitch streamer. to which i respond that it's okay, fun, but draining.

he makes a couple more comments as we drive through the rainy streets. he begins on another question, when my phone starts to ring. the lyrics to slow dancing in the dark by joji fill the car quietly, and i flush, apologizing to those in the car before pressing accept.

i hear tommy's voice over the line call my name.

i sigh, "hello love, what's up? everything okay?"

i see evan smile through the driver's mirror. i ignore the drop in the pit of my stomach and talk to tommy quickly. he explains he misses me, and that we should facetime when i arrive home.

i agree, giving him a quick "i love you" before hanging up.

"your boyfriend?" evan asks, quirking an eyebrow. "yes," i admit, smiling slightly. "tommy."

"like tommyinnit?" he inquires, crossing his arms gently.

i nod, asking him not to tell anyone, since we hadn't made the information public yet.

he agrees immediately, giving me a smile.

he stops asking questions after that, and i let out a soft sigh of relief. sarah and i fall into some small conversation, pulling into the parking lot of the small diner.


i arrive home that evening, tired as all hell.

i facetime tommy as soon as i step into my doorway, dropping my bag and walking to my room. he answers on the third ring, smiling brightly into the camera.

"HELLLLOOOO WOMAN!!!" he yells, and i smile, my eyes drooping. i set up my phone on my nightstand before climbing into my blankets.

"tired?" he asks, and i nod. i tell him all about my day, and about sarah. and evan. he smiles, nodding as he listens.

i see a text notification pop down on my screen from an unknown number, but decide to ignore it until morning. tommy begins rambling about something, nothing important. he knew i fell asleep easily when he talked. his voice was calming to me. 

i feel my eyes flutter as i fall into the warm arms of sleep.

"goodnight love." i hear tommy mumble, his comforter rustling as he climbs into what i assume is his bed.


oooo hello fun mmmmmm chapter mmm this a/n is so interesting oooo ahhh anyways sorry this update took longer than i should of i slept for like 17 hours yesterday and didn't feel like writing .

you're staring. - tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now