🐚A New Part of Our World~🐚

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?????? & ???: "Aa-aa-aah, Aa-aa-aah.~"

The duo of voices sang out while it echoed throughout the air as a luxurious royal ship that bore the golden initials of A & (your first letter of your first name) rode through the roaring waves on a beautiful new morning beside a famaliar sea side castle. A seagull flew by a large glass window of a luxurious bedroom suite to reveal a Sea themed baby mobile under a clam shaped crib as a infant's hand reached out wearing a light cream christening gown trimmed with a bright ruby red cooing happily for his mother.

The newborn baby's mother reached towards her son and gently took him out of his crib to cradle him in her arms. The woman gently moved her hand through her son's soft red hair as his sweet e/c eyes looked at his mother happily while the image of Queen Y/n showed in her son's bright and innocent eyes. Y/n leaned down as she kissed her baby's head softly before she began singing to him sweetly.

Y/n: "You are my world, my darling. What a wonderful world I see, You are the song, I'm singing. You're my handsome, Crescendo!~" She sang out as the sea waves made her voice echo out unknowingly catching the attention of her protective yet loving husband while the boat sailed into deeper waters.

King Adonis opened the door to the King and Queen's suite to see his beloved wife and their newborn son made him smile widely in happiness and pride before he sang over towards Y/n.

Adonis: "Darling, we better be going." He walked towards his beautiful wife while Y/n was in awe of their son before she looked up at him to kiss his cheek as he kissed her forehead lightly.

Y/n: "Look at him, isn't he glowing" She sang out towards Adonis as he wrapped his arms around her and their son while the new parents looked down at Crescendo.

Adonis: "He looks divine, and you look exquisite as always, my love.~" He sang out in his seductive and deep voice before kissing Y/n lovingly on her lips for a moment. "But look at the time.~" He pointed over towards the clock on the wall.

Y/n: "Couldn't be is it?" She asked Adonis happily as Grimsby walked towards the door holding it open for the King and Queen to walk out with the new prince.

Grimsby: "The crew is awaiting your orders." He sang out happily

Quarter Master: "We're sailing away from the borders"

Sailors: "Steady boy steady. Ahoy there, they're coming!"

Grimsby: "Trumpeters ready! Drummers, start drumming!" He said with a few claps of his hands as the fanfare started to play.

Y/n breathed slowly in the new morning salty sea air as Crescendo cuddled into her warmth while Adonis gently ruffled his son's matching red hair as he sang out happily while he and Y/n walked down the ship's stairs to be greeted by the palace's staff and nobles.

Adonis: "Down to the sea we go, Down to a world I know. There's never been, Not ever before a child born of sea and shore.~" He stated knowingly since his seven sisters were newly married or pregnant while Eric and Ariel were about to expect their first child to be born in a few more months from their weekly visits to the shoreline along with Ursul.

Everyone on the Ship: "Down to the sea we go, Down to the world below, A journey to bless a prince to be! Under the sun and under the sea!" They all sang out as the sailors stopped the ship under Atlantica.

Sea life: Adonis's coming, Adonis's coming
Adonis's coming, Adonis's coming
Adonis's coming, Adonis's coming
Adonis's coming, Adonis's coming
Adonis's coming, Adonis's coming
Adonis's coming, Adonis's coming!

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