Chapter 33: The fears that poison

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"They have had an outstanding performance," Olga commented to Clara. She had brought home half a fish to store and eat later. 

The young couple was tired. Both slept, hugging on the sofa bed. They had fallen exhausted there. The woman was giving special blankets to the black-haired mother when Helios approached.

"I received a transmission for you," it warned.

"Show it," she asked, leaving the room and going to hers.

They entered, and the device positioned itself on a desk. Carla appeared in the hologram and smiled when she saw that her call had been picked up.

"I knew you would answer. Although you are doing well because I cannot find your location."

"What do you want now? You don't have to keep bothering if you are no longer a leader."

The woman sighed.

"I want to ask you to hand me over the man, that's all. Anyway, when there's a new leader in charge, she's going to keep looking for him, so why put it off? Give him to me, and I'll keep him safe."

"I see what happens. The truth is that you miss me. That's why you make up these excuses."

Carla frowned.

"I just want to put things on good terms."

"With you, it is apart, but with PW, no. They eliminated many things, including men."

"I don't know what you're talking about. That would happen sooner or later, and nature took them over. PW always seeks for peace."

"Peace but staining with blood. I know that they eliminated people they considered a problem for their new society, to the extent of killing women with different political ideals."

"Politics was just another evil created by the oppressive male. Rather, worry about not being one of those troublesome people."

"How did you change so much?"

Apparently, Carla didn't know about Teresa's competition, but Olga wouldn't ask either. Meanwhile, she was already sure that Carla couldn't do anything because she was not a leader anymore.

"How important is that man to you that you spend your time hiding him?" Carla continued without answering her question. "I know your curiosity has won you over. That's why you keep him there. I bet you only want him for one night; however, you don't get him because he's fascinated with that girl. Am I right?" Olga was silent. "I know you well. And I know that what you want will not happen. Bring him to me, or sooner or later, someone will find you. He won't be hidden forever."

"If you are not going to do anything other than say stupid things, I say goodbye. I want to rest."

"Give me the man, and I'll have the other males you miss back."

Olga raised her eyebrows.

"They are alive..."


Adrian looked at the ceiling without being able to sleep. As usual, he had woken up because of a bad dream, one in which guilt tormented him. He turned his eyes to the clock, whose numbers were lighting up dimly. It was around two in the morning. 

He didn't like knowing that Teresa would expose herself, but he could only go and take care of her, as she was sometimes stubborn. He tightened his hold around the girl and took a deep breath.

The dim light made him look away to find Olga working at her desk computer in a small office. The woman also looked at him out of the corner of her eye, so he decided to get out of bed slowly, not feeling comfortable being watched. He surrounded it and faced Teresa, who was still sleeping.

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