Chapter 29: Those who leave never abandon us

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Olga prepared a couple of electric weapons, ready to come out of hiding. However, they were not well charged due to the little electricity in the place and having to save it since trying not to be detected by the government had those setbacks.

"I didn't have time to make another exit, so we will go the same way," the woman warned. "I want you to be ready to run. The exit from the city is not far away. You already know the location of the hole I made."

Her seven males got behind her.

"Don't be separated from me," Adrian whispered to Teresa and her mother.

"Rather, you don't separate from me," defied the girl. "I have put on the PW's suit I took from my house so I can be as strong as you."

The young man smiled with amusement.

"You are to be feared."

The tunnel doors began to open, Olga gave the signal forward, and they went out.

Upon reaching the woman's home environment, they found the burns caused by electricity, broken glass, the burned computer, and fallen shelves. The drones had searched everything they could, and not being able to access the computer's information, they destroyed it.

"It's strange," Olga murmured. "There should be one waiting for us." She readied her weapon.

Teresa focused her gaze on something else, the burned and charred remains of DOPy. Her lips tightened, and she approached. Adrian immediately followed her, watched her look at it sadly, and sighed.

"Take them and keep them here," he said, opening a pocket of his suitcase. The girl looked at him, keeping the sorrow on her face, and he smiled sweetly. "We will take it to a special place."

The corners of her mouth lifted into a slight smile, and she nodded, picking up the remains and putting them away.

"Let's move on," asked Olga.

They went to the exit of the destroyed house. When they were outside, Helios flew over the area so fast that it was impossible to notice the naked eye because it was so small. There was not much activity. However, the device returned, showing its red light.

Olga readied the weapon, but an electric shot fell very close to them, altering the males. Teresa stood before Adrian and her mother since her suit could fight against electricity, although she didn't know how much.

"Tesa, no, let's go," he asked, worried about what might happen to her.

"There you were!" Diana exclaimed, walking towards them with the last-generation weapon.

Teresa knew those were the new ones they had been making to prepare if the males became more aggressive. Something that has never been necessary before.

"That crazy girl," Olga complained.

"I want that man; he belongs to us," Diana threatened, pointing at him.

The black-haired girl became distraught and put her arms back to embrace the boy who refused to be protected, clinging to him.

"Teresa, no," he insisted, trying to make her let go, but he confirmed the suit gave her more strength when it felt her adrenaline rush.

"Did you come alone?" Olga scoffed. "Apparently, no one gave you permission, but you didn't care one bit."

"I decided that I work better this way." And she shot.

Adrian reacted swiftly, putting one arm around the girl and pulling Clara with the other, running and throwing himself aside. The bolt of electricity hit the wall. Olga aimed and fired as well, although her weapon was not as powerful as that one. The males began to run senselessly from one place to another, scared, some of them managing to hide, but not all.

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