One year later

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Helen checked the little baby, who was five months old, in an incubator capsule with a special liquid. It resulted from modifying the male genes after reviewing each code exhaustively with the machines until it was like Adrian's, who had lent his genetic material to compare.

They knew how to clone a woman and work her so that she was not an exact copy of another, but it was difficult for them with the man. To Teresa's relief, who found it strange that they cloned her man, the simulation machines gave negative results when they tried to do that. 

He was unique and unrepeatable for her. The machines had to be reprogrammed so they wouldn't try to get another woman out instead of a man, which would take another time. Finally, they agreed not to do it. It was better to start with a few men to see how everything was going.

Teresa looked at Adrian, talking with the woman, watching the baby. Only until the machine was hundred percent secure had it been incubated. The baby was the improved clone of White, Olga's son, who had already passed away not long ago, spending his days with his mother.

The girl didn't understand much of what they were saying, although he had explained simplifying things so she wouldn't get confused, including graphics. She sighed. She didn't fit into that part of his world. She accepted it and didn't want to interfere anyway; he was immersed in his passion for genetics, and it was a delight to watch him like that.

Although lately, she noticed him concentrating and thinking on something else, she didn't know what it was. Teresa was concerned. She trusted her love more than anything, but she also knew that things could change and that he still had a world of women to choose from.

"See you then," he said goodbye to Helen.

Teresa feigned concentration on the screen. It had information from other males, women who registered to take the tests and receive a baby boy, and the usual data on the state of each of the residents.

She got a notice about the new Magnetic Dance competition.

"Do they invite the champion?" Adrian whispered, hugging her from behind and placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

She rejoiced with that gesture that returned her tranquility.

"It looks like."

"You've finished?"

"Uh, yes."

"Are you very exhausted, or maybe we can go somewhere?"

That intrigued her.

"We can go. Why?" she asked as he moved away and gave her a closed-lipped smile.

"There is something I would like to tell you..."

The hidden nervousness he exhibited stabbed the girl like a thorn. She swallowed hard and nodded.

Helen closed Eden. The huge egg-shaped building turned off its lights, empty and quiet. The drones were going in silence. Before leaving the office that once belonged to the former leader, she touched an option on the screen to communicate. The hologram displayed revealed a Carla with noticeable dark circles under her violet eyes, with evident weariness.

"How's it going out there?" Helen wanted to know.

"Do you enjoy reminding me that I was expelled to another city, or do you miss me?" Carla commented without grace.

The brown-curly woman looked down. Carla and Diana were sent to other cities and held there under treatment, prohibited from returning. After everything happened, some women also preferred to go from Hive to other cities out of fear until they saw how things were progressing, but the vast majority stayed. They began to see men with different eyes.

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