Chapter 24: A plan

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Helen entered Teresa's home for a second inspection as she could barely find a few things last time, like the suitcase and the gun, while the drones captured Clara. She was always raised to think violence should never be necessary, but Carla acted slightly extremely.

One of the drones accompanied her. The leader was communicating through it and seeing what the device saw. Helen pulled away to check one of the walls near the bathroom in the girl's room. With a decoder, she deactivated the key, and it displayed several shelves of translucent material.

Among those that contained accessories or creams, another, in particular, called her attention. It was obviously the favorite of the black-haired girl since there were magnetic suits. There were various things between small stuff in some open drawers and not so much else in the lower part.

The woman took some drawing sheets and raised her eyebrows; they were excellent. Views of the beach, with the rocks, where she could almost feel and hear the sea. Another of a dolphin. An extinct being? Maybe the girl liked Archeology. The next one surprised her. It was him, the man they had locked up.

Adrian was in the drawing, caressing the dog, which ran scared when Helen entered the house. The same guy in another illustration in which he was simply looking at the horizon. He was playing a virtual piano in another one, which made her remember when she saw him in the mall without knowing she was in front of a man.

The next one gave her a strange sensation. He was asleep, with his face to the side. The image conveyed the calm and tranquility of a night accompanied by silence. Teresa had perfectly traced the folds of the blanket on his chest, which was apparently naked. Helen wondered how close they had become if they seemed to have been in the same bed.

She didn't know if Teresa stood by his side, drawing him on each occasion, or had taken it from her memory. Whatever it was, it reflected that he had not represented a danger. On the contrary, he had filled her life in some way. It also reflected that perhaps they were making a mistake in judging him and dictating his death just like that.

"Nothing relevant?" Carla asked through the drone.

Helen put everything in place after sighing.

"No, nothing. I think we've already taken the important stuff out."


Teresa was dragged into another room in which sound was not absorbed. Sitting on the bed, she covered her ears again. Every slightest noise shook her. After two days in infinite external silence, it was unbearable. She didn't even know if it was night already. There was no way to figure it out.

The girl leaned back, not wanting to touch the food from the table's surface. She wanted to know what Adrian had talked about during that strange meeting. She was still being eaten away by the anguish of knowing that they wanted to kill him like an insect. It was not fair. They were inhumane, even though only men were supposed to have been like that.

The infernal beasts they always talked about were not her Adrian. He was completely different. He had his own character and personality, knew about art, and was smart. However, he ate and ate and sometimes said strange things, but that was him. She loved him with everything and more, with his strength, insistence to get something, a beard, hairs everywhere, and that voice, that aroma.

What defined a human being? Was it what was between his legs? She realized that, for millennia, men had all been demonized when in fact, there were also evil women. Perhaps the statistics indicated fewer confirmed numbers, but there was proof.

She sat down, leaving sadness and defeat aside, frowning. She would get out of there as possible and get Adrian out too. Before they did, who knew what to him. Teresa might not have been the leader or any of the older women on the council, but she would not let them kill him, whatever it was.

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