Chapter 27: Leaving the past behind

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Helen woke up next to Carla. She endured her grumbling, and then Carla ended up taking her to bed as if in need of love or something to calm her down, as if that specifically relaxed her. Somehow, Helen felt used even though, for a moment, she felt relieved. She wondered if Carla only had her by her side for sex.

Helen still had some doubts. She wanted to find out, if the information still existed, about what happened the night 'New Future' caught fire. It had been a few millennia ago, but the woman suspected that the data she wanted would not be in news archives but in PW's system.

She got out of bed, ready to get dressed, and took one of the drones to make it do the dirty work of decoding keys or, in any case, recovering deleted files.


Teresa went to the bar in the kitchen, ready to start the new day. There the others were waiting for her in the same way. The machine prepared breakfast, and the aroma came out into the air. It smelled like a stew. Adrian was also picking some fruit.

"It smells great," said Olga, standing before him.

The black-haired girl frowned, stood next to him, and Adrian smiled. 

"Are you planning something special today?" Murmured Olga. "I'll be doing some research, and I don't need noise from a couple doing their thing." She ate a spoonful of oatmeal.

Teresa was confused by the comment.

"What investigations?" Adrian asked.

The woman explained, "About PW. I have already told your friend that they destroyed the building where you were. You saved your ass thanks to a human error, but she doesn't believe me." Teresa frowned again. "They could also be behind more things. Its beginnings were not so peaceful, and it appears to have formed long before they were presented to the public."

"I don't doubt it," Adrian commented. "In a frightened society, there couldn't have been peace. I doubt that there would have been tranquility if humanity was beginning to die out. Everything was a reason to make a fuss. It was a blow when New Future's organizers said that they didn't accept some minorities or anything like that."

"Oh, for real? Keep on telling me," Olga prompted. The woman was interested in that.

"Although it was something difficult to face, mainly because the population was extremely closed-minded, they had to step on the ground and accept that if they wanted to repopulate the earth, unfortunately, everyone had to be fertile and be able to procreate fast." He put the fruit in the blender machine. "Anyway, as I imagine you may already know, despite the problems, the project continued. It lost investors, but..." He shrugged his shoulders and poured milk into the machine, "there were already people coming in. I was one of the last and asked to be in the lowest area."

Teresa wanted to know so much about him also. 

"Yes. Come, my little Helios..." Olga ordered, and the tiny drone approached. "It saw you on one of the first expeditions I sent him to check antiquities and ruins. There's a lot of treasures, even outside the city." That surprised him. "At first, fear came over me. I must admit, aside from the fact that I couldn't believe it, it was crazy. But I saw them when I sent it back to see you." She tightened her lips and glanced at Teresa. "If it were not for them, you would have been mine."

Teresa flushed and frowned.

"Forget it..." Adrian gave each a glass of juice and set another for Clara. "I have learned it's useless to think about what would have been."

Several dishes with beef stew came out of the food machine, went along the bar, followed its curve, and positioned themselves in a row. Adrian had followed them with his eyes.

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