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For my past self

I keep seeing you every step I make
Your love made me break
And one lonely night a thought escaped...

You are poison ivy spreading throughout my body. An addiction that will never end. I hope you know the value you carry. The purpose you have.

Stop playing hide and seek because I always lose... You keep on finding me
Taunting me
Ridiculing me.

You have been broken since the beginning and without repair. All the mistakes you have done keep haunting me. It's a curse that will never break itself.

Forget about him and worry about yourself. Only the prettiest gems are found when no one is around.

Life has hit you hard and I understand your pain.
You trust no one
Not even yourself...

I will tell you this...
Grow from it and leave them behind. You can keep getting hurt or hurt them back, but you will never have both sides happy.

Stop ruining my life and stay where you are now. You keep on chasing me.
Am I your prey?
If I were...
I'll surely not taste good.


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