" The One "

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To: The One

I'm feeling something I've never felt before. It's like I've found something to keep me alive.
I have a question to ask you
A question that I've always had. Are you the person I had always imagined?
Are you tall? Are you a brunette? Do you have curly hair?
Most importantly
Does your personality shine?

Since I was little, I had really high standards. That why I'm  Leo, It just runs through my veins. It's part of how I'm built.

I want your eyes to meet mine. To see their true colors and their reason why...
Replay, all of our memories
Replay, Us

Are you The One? Or are you just like the others... just pretending to be something you are not. If so...
Stop trying to be like them!

I want to find someone different, someone, that can truly be himself.
I don't need a replica of a painting, I need the original itself.

Your embrace is all I need. Just a brush of your body makes my words stutter in otter despair. You make me write things I don't even understand.  I wish you noticed all the effort!

Sometimes we all need a hug
To feel loved
To feel cared
To feel yourself

I'll ask you again if you didn't understand
Are you The One? If not... don't try to play with my heart.


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