" Forever "

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Will you stay with me if I asked you to?

Hold my hand and make my heart fly away. I want to touch every cloud in the sky even if they seem unreachable. I think clouds are very peculiar.
They are formed just like you.

why are you timeless? Aren't you tired?
You need to slow down and wait for me. Haven't you run enough?
My mom and my dad have you. When is it my turn to shine?
I want you because I worry so much. I'm scared you might run away from my life.

Commitment, Loyalty, Faithfulness were the words you gave to me, but I doubt you remember the moment you said it to me.
Don't forget you can't break promises!
That is the meaning of your name...

Marry me, we can spend eternity together
Don't regret the words you gave me

You know...
I have matured a lot since I've seen you. My heart is bigger and my mind much fuller. Experience has thought to wait. It has shown me to care.
I'll write my vows with the pen of your choice. Black, Blue, or Red...
Just know... I'll choose what to write with it.

" I want to bear children
I want to be successful
But what I want most, is to be together "

Time is your close friend why don't you ask him for advice... He also seems to make bad decisions. Disappearing without a trace. He caused me pain. I can only hope you don't do the same.

Now that I think of it, you might be a double-edged sword.
You could cause me happiness or a damaged soul...

With all my love,

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