"Best Friend"

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Dear Best Friend,

I saw you crying and didn't know why
Trying my best to help a puppet
Looking for a plan to bring you back.

Do you remember what I told you that night?
" A queen doesn't let their crown fall, so get yours and sit on the throne. "

You felt hopeless, but I'm still around...

I always knew you were suffering and I couldn't help you. The roses' thorns got to you first. I wish I could've tried more.

You took off your mask and saw your tired face.
It showed me the signs. It showed me your distress. I lost sight of who you were. For you didn't know your own identity.

Changing personalities
Changing for others
Changing yourself

I wish you saw what I see. The light you bring to my life. How the world changed around you. Best Friend, I'm here. Why don't you see that?

Runaway, Stop!
Don't you see the red light?
It's giving you a word of advice.
If you pass it, you will die.

Wrecked and I still tried...


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