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Dear Life,

I have known you since my first breath in this world and will still, until my last. For now, I will maintain our relationship for when that moment comes. Keeping your cycle safe. Making it to a routine.

Over the years, you showed the perspective of yourself. Gave me lessons about music and love.
Moving like waves over time.
You guided me through obstacles and
Encourage me to build my own opinions...

You gave me experiences, the ones my friends never did.
You gave me light but also darkness.
Turning yourself black and white, Yin and yang
How can you be so good and bad at the same time?

Teach me to be brave
To have courage
To not worry about what could happen.

You were selfless to some but cruel to others. Showing the different faces of the same gem. Giving several people reasons to hate you.

I tried every emotion to exist next to you and it showed me your true value. It opened my eyes to something I never thought of, Not even Life itself can pay off death.
Who knew you had a deadline.

Little did I know heaven I will gain when I lose you...


Hi my loves! I know this letter is really short but I just wanted to say thank you for 1k views❤️ You guys are amazing!
If you have any recommendations to whom I should write a letter next you can leave them in the comments.

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