Part 2 Chapter 5

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AN; So these past two weeks have been crazy for me. I found out I got accepted into the college I've wanted to go to since I was six, so yay to that! Also found out I contracted the flu strand they left out of the vaccines this year and I've been putting breath when I met to say breathe for this entire book, so f to that. Anyways enjoy this chapter!

"Ouch !" Santana winced and sucked in air between her two front teeth. She edged closer to us and leaned over Henry's still body. "Man, I really got him good!" she said, admiring the bruise forming on his temple. "Maybe I shouldn't have quit baseball."

Then she seemed to remember the situation she was in and looked over at me and a sheepish expression bloomed across her face, "Wait, what am I saying!? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to knock him out! I thought he was a bad guy!" she apologized quickly.

I nodded in acknowledgment of her apology and began to pat Henry's cheek lightly in an attempt to rouse him. "Henry wake up! Wake up! Please wake up! You're in danger!" I whispered urgently into his face, my pats getting harder and harder until I was practically slapping him.

My hand found resistance midair and I jerked my head up to see Santana had her fingers wrapped around my wrist. "Hey I hate to tell you this, but I don't think he's going to come to anytime soon," she informed me and gave me another apologetic look.

She let go of my hand, and I slowly moved it towards my hair, running my fingers through my damp waves, while I tried to think of what to do next. She was right. He wasn't going to be waking up anytime soon. "You're right," I acknowledge out loud, and ducked my head under one of his limp arms, "But we need to get him out of here, get on his other side, " I commanded.

Santana seemed to understand what I was planning to do because she bent down to Henry and copied my motion. She secured his left arm around her shoulder held in in place with her right hand.

We both struggled to our feet, with Henry's body positioned between the two of us, and began to move forward with Henry's feet dragging limply on the ground.

"Hey, can I ask you a quick question?" Santana asked, after about a ten minutes of walking /limping/ struggling. Her voice came out strained from having to support Henry's weight.

"Go ahead," I replied, my voice equally strained. Being in this hot climate, and not having had anything to eat or drink for hours was beginning to have a devastating effect on my body. Already the muscles in my abdomen were beginning to cramp up and it was becoming more and more painful even to breathe. My legs felt like they had weights tied to them and those weights grew heavier with every step I took.

"What was the thing you were saying earlier about man-eaters?"

My body temperature went down one degree at the mere mention of the word man-eater. I wished I had never remembered that stupid fact.

"Well, you see the infamous thing about Griffins is they almost never eat women," I began, "They like to leave them alive and hold them captive within their territory. Then they..they umm?"

Come on brain you can do it, I believe in you! "They wait for the men to come and rescue them, and then they eat them. They like to eat muscle more than fat since most men have more muscles than girls, they are their primary prey!" I exclaimed loudly, and then covered my mouth in both embarrassment and fear of being heard by someone or something.

Santana let out a short laugh and I shot her a wary glance. Did this girl finally lose her marbles and buy a one-way ticket to loon town? That would be just what I need right now in addition to everything else on my plate, a big heaping helping of wacko.

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