Part 2 Chapter 28

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An; Sorry I realize this is a day later than promised but here it is!

I stared across the table at Greta while she looked back at me with a gleeful expression, "It's rude to stare," she said and let out a short laugh.

I wanted to scream "Not like I much choice of to the direction I could look in!" But she knew that and that's why she was mocking me. But honestly, even if my body had a choice I would still be staring her down.

Curse you Lacy for being your cynical witchy self and leaving me with this unknown solution hanging above my head, while I didn't even have the power to move one of my own fingers!

Who was she going to threaten to kill? The most likely choice sat in the room next to me at that moment and I did not like that prospect at all. In the meantime, I could feel Hampton's breath against my cheek and his hands while they ran themselves along my body. Every cell in my body screamed against the touch that I had no power in stopping.

"Such power!" Hampton breathed. "In such a puny body, a girl on the verge of becoming a woman!"

"Don't mind him, he's just accessing your powers. Hampton is a special water elemental, which allows him to feel the power in others bloodlines as well as controlling the actual blood itself," Greta explained, and a small smiled pulled at her lips.

"Yeah, but does he have to actually feel me up to feel how powerful my blood is?" I thought when I felt his hands slide across my upper chest, "Oh if Henry saw this he would have a field day!"

"Sometimes it seems that you enjoy your examinations too much Hampton."

"Greta you insult me," Hampton said, and I felt his hands leave my body.

Thank gods that was over. I only hoped that Mr. Hands would keep them to himself permanently.

"I have no doubt at your skills Blackwing, I've seen you trick many stupid girls with your charm," Greta said, "Miss Silver is probably up there with their level of intelligence...

Okay, why did everyone have a comment on how smart they thought I was? People need to take a lesson from a real yeti and learn how to chill.

" But I bet she wants to remain faithful to Mr. Hemlock. She called out his name within her head while you were doing your examination. And I think she will find she will be able to do so if she is reasonable and comes to an agreement with us.

There was the whooshing sound of the walls opening and a breeze of the outside came brushing past me second later.

"Hampton!?" a girl called out.

"Shirley my darling!" Hampton exclaimed, followed by the sound of him getting out of his chair.

"Hampton looked I brought you all the people you wanted!" I heard Shirley exclaim.

"Indeed you did, so then why are you in here?" Hampton asked, his voice suddenly growing cold.

"I-I wanted to see you," Shirley stuttered.

"And I told you after we crushed the insolent army outside. Was I not clear?" he snapped.

"You never see me anymore. You can't even stand to look at my face!" she suddenly screamed, "We haven't...since that day Henry did this to me," and I had no doubt she was no doubting pointing at her half-melted face, "You won't even touch me!"

"And do you blame me, even you have to repulse by the thing that gazes back at you in the mirror. Now go back out there so I can enjoy my meal in peace! Who could stomach anything with you around?"

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